Activity: 1344
Merit: 1000
September 22, 2016, 02:34:14 PM |
Depending on how to get it, if you earn btc from faucet or trading yes it was bored. Earn from signature campaign I don't think so bored because we are discussing here.
I too agree if we are earning from the only faucet then it is a waste of time because what you earn through those sites is not worth of time spent on those sites. But for me, trading is not boring because every trade will give us some new experience to learn and improve our next trade and off course signature campaign will good to discuss about bitcoins and at the same time can earn money.
Activity: 3374
Merit: 1824
September 22, 2016, 02:37:10 PM |
What do you say? Isn't earning bitcoin through the likes of signature campaigns, tweets and posts really boring? I really think so, at least its not an attractive or appealing way to earn bitcoin or any money for that matter. What do you think? What are the most interesting and appealing ways to earn Bitcoin Online?
Not really. Look, I still learning about Bitcoin and this forum is great source of info to me. I like to join different discussions also in other areas of forums and talk with the people from all over the world. I will do it even if nobody pay for my posts but of course, through signature campaign, it's even better because I'm paid for something I will do any way 
September 22, 2016, 02:37:14 PM |
If signature campaigns and tweets are your only way of earning btc, then it may get boring overtime. But if you are a skilled designer or coder then it will not be the same. It depends on what mode you choose to earn btc. btw, when you are posting here you come across exciting news and sites about bitcoins to remove the boredom.
September 22, 2016, 02:37:59 PM |
What do you say? Isn't earning bitcoin through the likes of signature campaigns, tweets and posts really boring? I really think so, at least its not an attractive or appealing way to earn bitcoin or any money for that matter. What do you think? What are the most interesting and appealing ways to earn Bitcoin Online?
Thats all is the mainstream way to get bitcoin. Yeah maybe it can get us boring to get some extra money doing the same things everyday. I think the good way to get bitcoin is doing the things we love. Like selling your skill.
September 22, 2016, 02:45:18 PM |
What do you say? Isn't earning bitcoin through the likes of signature campaigns, tweets and posts really boring? I really think so, at least its not an attractive or appealing way to earn bitcoin or any money for that matter. What do you think? What are the most interesting and appealing ways to earn Bitcoin Online?
It's not all boring. Like for signature campaign if you are a active forum member the posts just come along and you forget that you are getting bitcoin for posting same goes with tweets or any other social media campaign. If you are into the ads thing that's kinda boring at the start but earns more money as you set it up properly, same goes with any services you are providing or of selling something.
September 22, 2016, 02:47:26 PM |
Never it became boring for me. If you are passionate with what you are doing, it will never ever be boring. I really like the way and how I earn through bitcoin because of signature campaign. I cannot think of any way that bitcoin will be nice if done in some way. Maybe if it will be included as a reward for games and other mobile applications. But I have known games that will pay you bitcoin but they are too low.
September 22, 2016, 02:53:56 PM |
If you love what you do then there is no way that you will find it boring. You should try to earn bitcoin by doing something which you like. If you love to write, try to earn some bitcoin through writing. If you are a coder then earn bitcoin by coding. If you don't like to do any and are doing some other offline jobs, I suggest you convert the fiat you received into bitcoin.
You'll find it extremely boring if you want to earn by doing faucets. Sharing my own experience, I get bitcoin by translating projects to my native language. I enjoy doing it and making the crypto space popular in my community. Some projects won't even pay me 0.0001 BTC even after spending quality time and efforts on it. The devs itself find it hard to pay or don't believe in my work, but I still do it out of my passion.
Activity: 2954
Merit: 3885
📟 paldo.io
September 22, 2016, 02:58:24 PM |
It really is boring since you're just pretty much advertising sites/software using the methods you've listed.
How to make it less boring? Betting.
September 22, 2016, 03:08:26 PM |
What do you say? Isn't earning bitcoin through the likes of signature campaigns, tweets and posts really boring? I really think so, at least its not an attractive or appealing way to earn bitcoin or any money for that matter. What do you think? What are the most interesting and appealing ways to earn Bitcoin Online?
The answer is simple,if you are posting just to increase your post number and earn more then I guess that it is boring,if you enjoy participating in this forum it is not.Earning Bitcoins through social media campaigns is not boring either since it doesn't require much effort or time all you need to do is a simple copy paste and you are ready.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
September 22, 2016, 03:09:17 PM |
behave signature work up is tiring because you will lose nothing if you fail to succeed to the minimum additive,just imagine if you can't agree the minimum proclamation you will be charged just about 1 bitcoin,it'll make it more fascinating for beatific,but if you'approaching asking any added way that's not tiresome to make bitcoin, i'd suggest you trading,it will make you can't stay dispel
September 22, 2016, 03:18:39 PM |
Well we are not all the same but for me its not boring to earn bticoins in signature campaign because you are learning about bitcoin and you are earnings.. also you are help bitcoin to promote it to others.. this is a good thing about bitcoin and this forum.. We have all own decision if you feel boring about posting or comment here it means this is not yours better to move on..
September 22, 2016, 03:32:21 PM |
It seemed like boring for you since you expected more $$$ and got only less from campaigns, tweeting, etc..
Just don't do anything extra for signature campaign, don't try to post the maximum limit of the campaign. just be yourself, post reply to topics which you think can add extra information or give a good advice, just be constructive.
As for tweeting and posting in external sites, don't search the forum for such offers. do those things if you naturally see those topics and one more thing if you don't like the campaigned website (signature, tweeting, FB post, etc...) just stop or avoid them participate only in those which you like
If you had come here for only earning then everything will be boring for you till you find your interested subject
September 22, 2016, 03:33:22 PM |
It's not boring, it's actually very motivational and I find it very interesting to participate in signature campaigns and selling digital goods for Bitcoins. Think of it this way - Bitcoins are a rare gem and you need to collect as much as you can, and the only best way to do it is to earn it from those who own it.
September 22, 2016, 03:42:46 PM |
It's not boring, it's actually very motivational and I find it very interesting to participate in signature campaigns and selling digital goods for Bitcoins. Think of it this way - Bitcoins are a rare gem and you need to collect as much as you can, and the only best way to do it is to earn it from those who own it.
Yeah earning from bitcoins is very exciting and you can earn it in various ways and it never easy to earn them and that makes it really challenging and if you are good in it then you can make it really big.
European Central Bank
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1087
September 22, 2016, 03:49:42 PM |
if you're in a sig campaign and you find it boring you should do everyone a favour and quit. maybe that's why so many people hate them. if you're posting junk to fill your wallet then it shows and hopefully someone's gonna make the decision to exterminate you if you don't do it yourself.
September 22, 2016, 03:51:49 PM |
What do you say? Isn't earning bitcoin through the likes of signature campaigns, tweets and posts really boring? I really think so, at least its not an attractive or appealing way to earn bitcoin or any money for that matter. What do you think? What are the most interesting and appealing ways to earn Bitcoin Online?
earning money is always hard and sometimes it also becomes boring but this is something we all have to do unless your daddy is a millionaire and you are living off of his money then you have to work. although you can do jobs that you like instead of boring jobs to earn while doing something that you have some interest in.
Activity: 1138
Merit: 1035
Bitcoin accepted here
September 22, 2016, 04:05:44 PM |
IMO, sig campaigns are boring, let alone faucets and the likes.
Under construction.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1000
September 22, 2016, 04:09:16 PM |
IMO, sig campaigns are boring, let alone faucets and the likes.
Signature campaigns are not at all boring as you can gain more knowledge related to bitcoins if you are spending enough time behind it and I think that is the best way to earn bitcoins.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1000
September 22, 2016, 04:14:09 PM |
I do trading and signature campaign, but honestly, I did sometimes feel bored every day doing it. therefore every weekend I always try to refresh the mind. but sometimes when I can benefit a lot I do not feel bored.
September 22, 2016, 04:18:57 PM |
I do not find earning bitcoin is boring even when I was in fauceting. Having the habit of imagining the future of bitcoin and I price levels of bitcoin like 1 satoshi will be worth like $1. Similarly when I am earning from signature campaign, I do imagine I am marching towards becoming billionaire with the future bitcoin prices.