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Author Topic: [ANN] Firo (FIRO) - Implementing ZKP privacy without trusted setup  (Read 663552 times)
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August 26, 2017, 08:28:35 PM

Very interesting article.

Tnx for sharing.
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August 27, 2017, 12:28:30 AM

I think the best 2 years after the gradual open source more appropriate, do not hastily open source. Because zcoin is now in the initial stage of development, zcoin is still very fragile. You should learn how nem handles open source
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August 27, 2017, 07:49:47 PM

Looks like price is getting pumped again and for good reasons, time to start loading up while it's still cheap because once MTP is implemented the sky is the limit  Wink
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~Full-Time Minter since 2016~

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August 27, 2017, 10:34:13 PM

i support you guys holding the Zerocoin changes implemented into Zcoin closed source for a while, in this day of open source coins getting constantly copy-katted, it seems logical to me. Zcoin investors deserve ZCOIN to get the positive eyes on them for the work they have done, others can do the work the same way, or wait for the commits to be posted to copy ;p
That gives Zcoin time for deserved market advantage for a bit atleast
Always, Forward! Smiley

~Got this girl in my bed, a roof over my head, i mint a couple coins a week, and thats how i make bread~
~On the 12th day of Hatzvah, OGminer said to me: "compute root of the merkle hash tree!"~
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August 28, 2017, 12:06:33 AM

Hi Devs, I would like to know if there is any chance that ZCOIN will be listed on Binance Exchange as the Chinese and South Korean Markets are producing large volumes. 

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August 28, 2017, 12:23:14 AM
Last edit: October 12, 2017, 01:13:31 PM by Bavaria

Hi Devs, I would like to know if there is any chance that ZCOIN will be listed on Binance Exchange as the Chinese and South Korean Markets are producing large volumes.  
more exchanges is only really good for us.
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August 28, 2017, 01:14:02 PM

What's the procedure to unlock the wallet?

Does this coin stake if left online and unlocked?
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August 29, 2017, 05:45:05 AM

Hi all. I mining some Zcoin. How much time need for Unconfirmed go to Confirmed?
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August 29, 2017, 10:29:56 AM

Any update? This coin is sitting in my wallet in the last 8 months. I need to  know this is been worked on otherwise..... Please dev what is the latest?

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August 29, 2017, 01:36:26 PM

Has there been any discussion about how many ZCoin will be required to run a Znode?
zcoinofficial (OP)
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Firo (FIRO)

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August 30, 2017, 03:41:37 AM

Any update? This coin is sitting in my wallet in the last 8 months. I need to  know this is been worked on otherwise..... Please dev what is the latest?


Core upgrade is still being tested to make sure it's ready for release.
The core upgrade is actually very big and addresses many of the complaints and user experience issues with Zcoin and greatly improves reliability, improves TOR support and a huge number of other things.
Remember Znodes REQUIRES the core upgrade.

Zerocoin and libzerocoin fixes/improvements coming soon too.

There's some background work we are doing on MTP. Basic CPUminer and Nvidia miners are done but still awaiting the final paper but we want to have all the basics ready to do the necessary modifications once the final paper from the MTP authors are out. We are hoping it won't be too drastic of a change and merely parameter adjustments.

Has there been any discussion about how many ZCoin will be required to run a Znode?

Firo: Implementing Lelantustechnology for financial privacy
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zcoinofficial (OP)
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Firo (FIRO)

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August 30, 2017, 07:27:28 AM

For a brief overview of how different privacy blockchain mechanisms stack up (including Zerocoin as used in Zcoin), read the post I made here:

Firo: Implementing Lelantustechnology for financial privacy
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Jack Russell
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August 30, 2017, 09:23:37 PM

If anyone wants to see how Zerocoin transactions look like on the blockchain:

Check out a sample mint transaction where 50 coins go into a blackhole.

This is a sample spend transaction where 50 coins come out from the blackhole and have no linkage with its mint transaction or any history at all.

The point is that the 50 coin from the Zerocoin spend transaction could have come from any of the people who minted 50 coins giving it very high anonymity.

So does this mean that the five 100 XZC transactions that I minted will enable others to also use that quantity of coins to mint/spend? And if so, will my coins that went through the mint and spend function get any confirmations then? Its been over 2 months now at zero confirmations, and I would like to know if there is any chance of them coming back/getting confirmations?

Thanks for your time.
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August 30, 2017, 10:34:58 PM

Thanks for the update, zcoinofficial.
Prima Primat
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August 31, 2017, 03:41:29 PM

If anyone wants to see how Zerocoin transactions look like on the blockchain:

Check out a sample mint transaction where 50 coins go into a blackhole.

This is a sample spend transaction where 50 coins come out from the blackhole and have no linkage with its mint transaction or any history at all.

The point is that the 50 coin from the Zerocoin spend transaction could have come from any of the people who minted 50 coins giving it very high anonymity.

So does this mean that the five 100 XZC transactions that I minted will enable others to also use that quantity of coins to mint/spend? And if so, will my coins that went through the mint and spend function get any confirmations then? Its been over 2 months now at zero confirmations, and I would like to know if there is any chance of them coming back/getting confirmations?

Thanks for your time.

They always come back... but wow, 2 months is bad. The artificial limit of 1 spend per block, which was put in place because confirming spends put too much performance strain on pools, is probably what's to blame here.
As I understand it Znodes will be there exclusively for this purpose - to confirm zerocoin mints/spends - so at the latest when they launch is when you should get your confirmations.
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I am Joe Blow, the lover man! You should pay me.

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September 02, 2017, 06:37:24 AM

am still waiting on this coin to hit 50 bucks.

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September 02, 2017, 07:58:23 AM

Some development updates:

Poramin has just pushed in our private repo the fixes needed to implement the Zerocoin improvements and fixes.
Tim Ruffing has pushed the the fixes on libzerocoin as well.
Tim is now looking through Poramin's code to ensure it works as intended and Aizensou and SN are working to integrate the Zerocoin improvements into the new core upgrade 0.13.

There will be an academic paper published as well to detail these fixes so that other Zerocoin implementations (if there are any other original implementations) can fix them independently and contribute to Zerocoin research.

Our new Zerocoin code will be open sourced in due time but may not be done immediately.

We are still weighing our options here as a lot of hard work and resources was put into this and all these fixes are backend which are not quite visible to the user but are important to improving the Zerocoin protocol and its security.

No Open Source ?

Can you expand on this , it's too serious to be mentioned lightly

There was some debate as to whether to allow other coins to immediately take advantage of the improvements we are making to Zerocoin and we know there are a quite a few coins out there just waiting for us to release this. Hence we were thinking maybe to delay the open sourcing by a few months and this would be balanced as the academic paper detailing these fixes would allow others to be aware of the issues and just not the code to immediately implement it. These type of steps aren't unprecedented as coins such as Dash initially closed source their Dark Send feature and NEM still has its NIS infrastructure remain closed source despite commitments to open source it.

However after discussion our team remains committed to open source and the changes we do to Zerocoin will be available when the new code goes live. We remember that without Bitcoin's open source and the researchers' work in coding the initial libzerocoin, there will be no Zcoin. So no need to worry about it, the releases we make will be all open sourced and subject to public audit/scrutiny.

Good news. In the end it's the only way to go. Open source also attracts new devs and community. I think a growing ecosystem is very crucial to the success of the coin.

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Firo (FIRO)

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September 02, 2017, 04:13:20 PM

We just completed our first mint and spend tx on main net with the new core Cheesy

Just a few more clean up !

We've also redone our OP. Hope you like it!

Our spend transaction on new core:

The fastest way to get hold of updates is our Twitter as it's the most regularly updated.

Firo: Implementing Lelantustechnology for financial privacy
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September 02, 2017, 06:00:54 PM

Amazing stuff!!! Roll Eyes

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September 03, 2017, 02:06:01 PM
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