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Author Topic: [ANN] Firo (FIRO) - Implementing ZKP privacy without trusted setup  (Read 663540 times)
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September 26, 2017, 05:01:34 AM

Thai exchange why no zcoin trading news
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September 26, 2017, 05:22:39 AM

I believe we are still at the beginning of the journey.
With the full integration of MTP, this coin still has much to demonstrate !
So we expect so many great satisfactions from Zcoin Wink
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September 26, 2017, 06:05:47 AM

Blockchain syncing doesn't seem to work for me.

Downloaded the windows bootstrap, it has processed 53150 blocks and then stays syncing forever. I tried to -reindex and it started over but I got the same problem. Solutions?
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September 26, 2017, 06:43:20 AM

Blockchain syncing doesn't seem to work for me.

Downloaded the windows bootstrap, it has processed 53150 blocks and then stays syncing forever. I tried to -reindex and it started over but I got the same problem. Solutions?

Same here on windows 10, stuck at 53150.
zcoinofficial (OP)
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Firo (FIRO)

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September 26, 2017, 09:42:06 AM

Blockchain syncing doesn't seem to work for me.

Downloaded the windows bootstrap, it has processed 53150 blocks and then stays syncing forever. I tried to -reindex and it started over but I got the same problem. Solutions?

Same here on windows 10, stuck at 53150.

Delete peers.dat
Download the chain from

This will solve it until the pools update.

Firo: Implementing Lelantustechnology for financial privacy
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September 26, 2017, 10:02:53 AM

The existing zero-knowledge approach is to use a professional mine to mine, need to consume a lot of computing power. Non-interactive zero knowledge proof NIZK, like a good technology. Different from zcash zero knowledge to prove the biggest feature is: from UTXO into the balance model. The future can be involved in the calculation of mobile phones,
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September 26, 2017, 04:01:11 PM

well at the end of the day are the coins that matter. Here goes my short test:

begin  --> sep 19 11:28:44 CEST 2017 --> 0 zcoin
end     --> sep 21 13:57:33 CEST 2017 -->  0.47537101 zcoin
** Average: 0.2635 Zcoin/day

Begin --> sep  21 13:55:53  CEST 2017 --> 0 zcoin
Current -> sep 23 17:28:20 CEST 2017 --> 0.59912859 zcoin
** Average: 0.279 Zcoin/ day

Conclusion (what I suspected): Suprnova  looks  better. This is true specially taking into account (i) the  larger granularity at suprnova and (ii) how the test in suprnova has been done after MPH with larger global HR.  Ideally, one should run in suprnova much, much longer to do a more accurate average due to the lower share of this pool, but I think results point to suprnova as a better option in spite of the issues commented these days.

Testing with this method is only showing you that for those DIFFERENT time frames the pools paid out X amount of coins.
So, during those 2 different time frames you have very different variables at play like: pool hashrate, network hashrate, pool luck, block difficulty, etc. etc.

If you want a better test you have to get 2/4/6/8/X cards on the same system and point them at the pools at the same time. Then the only variable is the pool Smiley

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September 26, 2017, 09:04:03 PM

New release should solve all sync and pending transaction issues with the new command calls.

And breakout just now! Second leg up incoming!

Stratis: Same supply as Ethereum + Masternodes + ICOs + Bitcoin a Core Dev. 90% cheaper than Eth. Do the math.
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September 27, 2017, 03:33:28 AM

I mine on MiningPoolHub with ccminer trupvot v2.2.1,
I am getting only 60%-70% of my hashrate on Pool site,

anyone can help with this issue?
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September 27, 2017, 04:52:30 AM

anyone else having problems on suprnova? it started last night, gpu miner accepts shares only every 5 minutes, only ~200 shares overnight, and cpu miner loses connection every 10 minutes, and 0 earnings over the last day.
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September 27, 2017, 04:58:45 AM

well at the end of the day are the coins that matter. Here goes my short test:

begin  --> sep 19 11:28:44 CEST 2017 --> 0 zcoin
end     --> sep 21 13:57:33 CEST 2017 -->  0.47537101 zcoin
** Average: 0.2635 Zcoin/day

Begin --> sep  21 13:55:53  CEST 2017 --> 0 zcoin
Current -> sep 23 17:28:20 CEST 2017 --> 0.59912859 zcoin
** Average: 0.279 Zcoin/ day

Conclusion (what I suspected): Suprnova  looks  better. This is true specially taking into account (i) the  larger granularity at suprnova and (ii) how the test in suprnova has been done after MPH with larger global HR.  Ideally, one should run in suprnova much, much longer to do a more accurate average due to the lower share of this pool, but I think results point to suprnova as a better option in spite of the issues commented these days.

Testing with this method is only showing you that for those DIFFERENT time frames the pools paid out X amount of coins.
So, during those 2 different time frames you have very different variables at play like: pool hashrate, network hashrate, pool luck, block difficulty, etc. etc.

If you want a better test you have to get 2/4/6/8/X cards on the same system and point them at the pools at the same time. Then the only variable is the pool Smiley

and olso miningpoolhub has 0.9% fee where suprnova has 0% free
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September 27, 2017, 05:09:14 AM

anyone else having problems on suprnova? it started last night, gpu miner accepts shares only every 5 minutes, only ~200 shares overnight, and cpu miner loses connection every 10 minutes, and 0 earnings over the last day.

+1 0 earnings from suprnova
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September 27, 2017, 05:28:23 AM

anyone else having problems on suprnova? it started last night, gpu miner accepts shares only every 5 minutes, only ~200 shares overnight, and cpu miner loses connection every 10 minutes, and 0 earnings over the last day.

+1 0 earnings from suprnova

same thing.
Connection to the pool drops exactly every 4 minutes.

SRBMiner-MULTI thread - HERE
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September 27, 2017, 05:28:33 AM

is there any updated roadmap? I see we are already behind schedule for the roadmap.

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September 27, 2017, 05:33:16 AM

When I ping miningpoolhub europe server I get the same ping as if I ping the us-east.lyra2z server. Suprnovas ping is way lower so I'm thinking this could make the difference in earnings. But suprnova is always dead so miningpoolhub is the only option. We would relally need a better pool.
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September 27, 2017, 05:36:57 AM

I mine on MiningPoolHub with ccminer trupvot v2.2.1,
I am getting only 60%-70% of my hashrate on Pool site,

anyone can help with this issue?

it will even out with time.
do you have rejected shares? hashrate is based on shares submitted
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September 27, 2017, 06:44:23 AM

When I ping miningpoolhub europe server I get the same ping as if I ping the us-east.lyra2z server. Suprnovas ping is way lower so I'm thinking this could make the difference in earnings. But suprnova is always dead so miningpoolhub is the only option. We would relally need a better pool.

Dev said in the last video that they are planning on making an oficial pool, i hope so
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September 27, 2017, 07:08:43 AM

I mine on MiningPoolHub with ccminer trupvot v2.2.1,
I am getting only 60%-70% of my hashrate on Pool site,

anyone can help with this issue?

it will even out with time.
do you have rejected shares? hashrate is based on shares submitted

no rejected shares, only lot of jumbs in difficulty.
Is your hashrate equal on pool side?

This is my config:

ccminer.exe –a lyra3z –o –u –p x –i 20
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September 27, 2017, 07:21:13 AM

Rejected shares depend on which ccminer version you use. djm34 ccminer gives more rejected shares but more accurate estimated hasrate on miningpoolhub, ccminer 2.+ gives 15% more hashrate but the estimated hasrate on miningpoolhub is always way off. I still didn't figure out which one is better since the difficulty is always changing and I was jumping from suprnova to miningpoolhub every other day.
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September 27, 2017, 07:49:07 AM

What hashrate would you consider nice for a 1080Ti for Zcoin?

Any experience about miner software is appreciated as well? Which version do you prefer?
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