Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 16, 2017, 09:11:16 AM |
Plz come and help us at Suprnova's Pool! I am getting over 25% more there then on MPH but we need more hash-rate - Come on and see yourself! :-)
Shove me please bat file ccminer for suprnova  ccminer-x64 -a lyra2z -o stratum+tcp://xzc.suprnova.cc:1569 -u success.6 -p 6 -i 19
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
October 16, 2017, 10:48:22 AM |
I'm with you, thank you 
October 16, 2017, 12:15:11 PM |
I stopped mining this as it only seemed to be using half of my gpu potential. Which drivers do you recommend and which miner, when using GTX 1070s on Windows 10?
October 16, 2017, 12:25:48 PM |
There will be 21 million Zcoins. Zcoin follows the same halving cycle as Bitcoin (every 4 years). 10% of the total Zcoin supply will be distributed to the Founders Reward as time passes. In the first 4 years, 20% of Zcoins will be distributed to the Founders Reward. In other words, during the first 4 years, 40 Zcoins will go to the miners and 10 Zcoins will go towards the Founders reward. After the first 4 years, the block reward goes completely towards the miners.
If I mine this coin, the 20% coin will go to founder's account, this just like a scam.
A scam is one that is cheating people into something that it is not. We have been very clear with our source of funds as always mentioned in our FAQs. Zcash follows the same reward mechanism. 20% of the coin in the first 4 years is equivalent to 10% of total eventual supply. https://z.cash/blog/funding.htmlTo begin Zcoin, we needed investor funding and we found people who believed in our project who were willing to fund us when Zcoin was just some proof of concept code. They are now reaping the rewards as 'founders'. Poramin holds one of the founder's wallet and another wallet is dedicated to funding the project including the team's salary and marketing efforts. This to me is nothing wrong with it. You can even inspect the code to see how the funds are distributed. There are 3 investor wallets, 1 Poramin wallet and 1 team bounty wallet. In this way we don't have to worry about 'instamine' or manipulation techniques and just focus on developing the project the best we can. Zcoin devs are blinded by their own good will to realise how bad this all looks on the outside... Firstly, stop appealing to zcash authority for everything you do... The Zcash Instamine was a bad thing..so dont look for justification doing it yourself... stop the scam and stop rewarding yourself so much, and stop being a self fulfilling prophecy into being Zcash's eternal sidekick.... this way zcoin will never amount to anything.. Secondly, You have LOST YOUR RIGHT (in a moral sense) to a devs instamine procedure after you allowed a hacker to STEAL THOUSANDS of tokens... Please Devs its time you take some responsibilities and stop hiding behind the many excuses you have to keep funding yourself 20% of all tokens for free... this is becoming a scam indeed... For having the ''best'' tech Zcoin is almost objectively the worst performing coin on the market... Now thats on you, so will you take responsibility at all?
October 16, 2017, 12:35:03 PM |
There will be 21 million Zcoins. Zcoin follows the same halving cycle as Bitcoin (every 4 years). 10% of the total Zcoin supply will be distributed to the Founders Reward as time passes. In the first 4 years, 20% of Zcoins will be distributed to the Founders Reward. In other words, during the first 4 years, 40 Zcoins will go to the miners and 10 Zcoins will go towards the Founders reward. After the first 4 years, the block reward goes completely towards the miners.
If I mine this coin, the 20% coin will go to founder's account, this just like a scam.
A scam is one that is cheating people into something that it is not. We have been very clear with our source of funds as always mentioned in our FAQs. Zcash follows the same reward mechanism. 20% of the coin in the first 4 years is equivalent to 10% of total eventual supply. https://z.cash/blog/funding.htmlTo begin Zcoin, we needed investor funding and we found people who believed in our project who were willing to fund us when Zcoin was just some proof of concept code. They are now reaping the rewards as 'founders'. Poramin holds one of the founder's wallet and another wallet is dedicated to funding the project including the team's salary and marketing efforts. This to me is nothing wrong with it. You can even inspect the code to see how the funds are distributed. There are 3 investor wallets, 1 Poramin wallet and 1 team bounty wallet. In this way we don't have to worry about 'instamine' or manipulation techniques and just focus on developing the project the best we can. Zcoin devs are blinded by their own good will to realise how bad this all looks on the outside... Firstly, stop appealing to zcash authority for everything you do... The Zcash Instamine was a bad thing..so dont look for justification doing it yourself... stop the scam and stop rewarding yourself so much, and stop being a self fulfilling prophecy into being Zcash's eternal sidekick.... this way zcoin will never amount to anything.. Secondly, You have LOST YOUR RIGHT (in a moral sense) to a devs instamine procedure after you allowed a hacker to STEAL THOUSANDS of tokens... Please Devs its time you take some responsibilities and stop hiding behind the many excuses you have to keep funding yourself 20% of all tokens for free... this is becoming a scam indeed... For having the ''best'' tech Zcoin is almost objectively the worst performing coin on the market... Now thats on you, so will you take responsibility at all? I want that what you are taking  seems like a crazy trip
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
October 16, 2017, 04:09:08 PM |
Is it worth it to dig for a long time? Or is it more interesting than a coin? 

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
October 17, 2017, 04:46:04 AM |
What compare with bitcoinz? what should to mine now? Same concept for privacy in blockchain
Sr. Member
Activity: 742
Merit: 257
And we go again.
October 17, 2017, 07:48:30 AM |
My favorite coin!) I am happy, that XZC is still alive and this thread is active!) By the way, whats next by the Roadmap?
Jr. Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 1
October 17, 2017, 09:05:16 AM |
My favorite coin!) I am happy, that XZC is still alive and this thread is active!) By the way, whats next by the Roadmap?
MTP... always the MTP 
welcome to MAGNET (https://magnetwork.io/)

Activity: 308
Merit: 10
October 17, 2017, 09:07:55 AM |
My favorite coin!) I am happy, that XZC is still alive and this thread is active!) By the way, whats next by the Roadmap?
MTP... always the MTP  what`s MTP?

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
October 17, 2017, 09:10:13 AM |
Vote for this coin because have Vietnamese in dev team 
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
October 17, 2017, 09:11:28 PM |
hi guys... newbie here...
i downloaded the wallet and encrypted it ... but it doesn't ask me for the passphrase when starting the wallet... where is the protection there? can't see it
Sr. Member
Activity: 455
Merit: 261
Look Morty magic internet money
October 17, 2017, 11:39:27 PM |
It only ask you to enter your passfrase when you want to send funds its with all qt clients for all coins I know
Sr. Member
Activity: 455
Merit: 261
Look Morty magic internet money
October 17, 2017, 11:59:02 PM |
My favorite coin!) I am happy, that XZC is still alive and this thread is active!) By the way, whats next by the Roadmap?
MTP... always the MTP  yes is taking a very long time but I think its a good base to have on this coin to differentiate itself with with other anon projects. Unfortunately the algo is so new that it still isnt ready but after coming this far would be a bad dissension to take a right turn. I have a small portion of xzc and will buy some more if mtp will become a reality.
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
October 18, 2017, 06:01:40 AM |
I think most people who buy zcoin will immediately sell it when Masternodes is launched
and maybe some are buying to get their Masternodes
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
October 18, 2017, 11:57:56 AM |
if and when it launches... development is still in progress and needs time branding wide scale acceptance also seems like a potential issues today's released of a redesigned website is a nice step forward... price seems to be following too; always a good sign
Elder III
October 18, 2017, 10:26:48 PM |
The new website looks snazzy. Active development is always welcome to see of course.
The price has gone up 25% in the last 24 hours too, which is always nice for miners and investors.