Zpool will reopen once we release the wallet sync fix. We are just testing our latest build to make sure it holds. Thus far, we have ran more than 12 hours without error but are monitoring it. I don't want to bother ocminer and mph until we have tested this further as they have a lot of other coins to manage. For those of you who urgently want to move your coins, you can drop me a note on Telegram and I can extend test binaries for you to sync up.
As for the Zerocoin issues, we already issued a statement.
http://zcoin.io/zcoin-hard-fork-statement/We already patched the libzerocoin library and indeed the first coin with Zerocoin to do so, and it's already working on live so that vulnerability is closed and hence why Coinomi kept our wallets up and running.
Prior to releasing the update, we did make contact with PIVX's lead dev presstab to tell them to look into our libzerocoin fixes and they are now patching their libzerocoin as well (or may have done so already). We are exploring other opportunities to collaborate with PIVX to make Zerocoin better for everyone. It was also nice to speak to s3v3nhacks more who also made contact.
For SmartCash, their code is primarily a fork of our old 0.8 core code and we have reached out to leoreinaux (their dev) with an offer to investigate into issues but we aren't able to spare our resources to rewrite the code for the old core as we are working on our own fixes and Znode development. Our Zerocoin code has changed since the 0.8 fork and currently, it is unclear how the exploit occurred for Smartcash and will take time to look into. We understand Smartcash are already working to move to the new 0.13 core base as well.
Since Smartcash have disabled their Zerocoin functionality it isn't very urgent. We will look into it as soon as we are able and we hope that their team can also work on this. Leoreinaux has provided us some info on the problematic transactions in Smartcash so which we will look into to assist to investigate the cause when we can to see if we can all learn from it.