loan shark has lent to me 3 times, most with alt coin collateral. all times he was always professional and understanding, and always took his time to explain things. one loan he closed at a loss due to an oversight on his part! i'd deal with loan shark any day.
Yeah he's a stand up brother...except he's banned from the forum, which you probably
know. Hope he gets all his outstanding loans squared away, because he's not supposed to be
posting from his main or any alt accounts and nowhere outside of meta. For his sake, I hope
he got contacts other than bct account information...e-mails, etc. If not, he's gonna have a
hellofa hard time sharking loans.
Yeah, and I am back. So it would be easier to "shark loans"
To be honest, you can check other lenders, and compare how much I charge as interest and see who the real sharks are.