Maybe you can start lending on sites like Poloniex where you are protected as investor. On sites like BTCjam or Bitlending Club there is risk to lose your money or get scamed. You could also try here on forum with small amounts for the start. I'm sure that some experienced wenders here would give you some advice how to do it.
That is correct,In poloniex your bitcoin is safe. I have also my bitcoin ark at poloniex in their margin lending. Above all the lender cannot withdraw until all is cleared from margin trading.
This is true but interest rates ve been so low recently it s not even worth your effort.
The polo hasn't told me about any chance for try use their lending service.
Like other said, they were saying if polo the true of the lending site.
In my mind, if they have smaller demand about his lending service.
Could the people say are true about polo?