I don't know much about gambling so couldn't tell from that side but from technical sides or design Itself , I have to say that If you are serious about running a gambling business (or anything else that contains BTC transactions) then you should seriously think of using SSL certification (HTTPS) to encrypt data. In the other side , you are losing every credibility you had by placing the ads at the bottom of your page. A gambling website should have enough money to pay their users and placing ads make it look like you need desperately for the money.
This game no need HTTPS because game have not account..
and players make bets from own pc
I'm not a security expert but I know that even If the gambling happens in the client side , you should contact the server at some point to receive payouts and just because there is no account , doesn't mean you don't need it.
Hi, friends!
Who have wrote review here,
please post your bitcoin address wallet.
new reviews accept but not for giveaway.
You will get 0.0005
BTC giveaway for try our game
I appreciate the offer but I'm not really a gambler myself so feel free to give my cut to somebody else.