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Author Topic: What are the main problems bitcoiners face?  (Read 6641 times)
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November 23, 2016, 08:48:26 PM

Bitcoiners to me  face quite a myriad of problems regardless of the country or location as mostly they are universal from my position I would rank in other of priority

1. The legality issue, this is a fundamental fact that I face and couple of guys faced and that has been a major concern as people outside Bitcoin perceive us to be doing something illegal for using Bitcoin since its not "Legal" after all. This has been the issue we have to face and has been a limiting factor in bringing other people to the family.

2. Inability to spend Bitcoin online as it is not popular, its even more expensive to buy abroad and import compared to changing over here and then buy. Another germane issue.
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November 24, 2016, 01:35:55 AM

Yes the biggest problem that I face is to find place,services and individuals that accept bitcoin and because of that I have to first convert it to my local currency before I could spend it.Another problem is indian exchanges to not offer conversion rate at par with international bitcoin rates

This is one of the two major problems that I can think of that we may face today and in future. As we know, that bitcoin is still not that mass adopted.

So we can't use bitcoin directly to our desired service providers, malls and groceries stores. But still there is an option for this, we can just simply convert it to cash.

And the other one that I indicated is the unconfirmed transactions, I haven't experience this yet. But maybe in the future this can be a flaws for us.

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November 24, 2016, 01:51:39 AM

main problems for me
1. when the rate bitcoin drop This makes Restless
2. bitcoin which had no legal basis, even in a country prohibits the use bitcoin ,

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November 24, 2016, 02:17:44 AM

I see to many people who are able to, try to send unconfirmed Bitcoin.  I think that this should not be allowed and I do not see any reason for them to do so.  I do not know if this slows down the confirmation or what, but it seems there are a lot of those complaining about not being confirmed are people who spent what is not confirmed.  Any opinions?
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November 24, 2016, 03:10:29 AM

Hm, I'd have to say scammers atm. There are a lot,a lot of scam websites that try to steal btc from users and since bitcoin is anonimous, it's kind of hard to get them back or find out who has them.

Need some spare btc for a new PC that can at least run Adobe Dreamweaver.

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November 24, 2016, 03:30:51 AM

Problem is that bitcoin is somewhat unheard of here in the philippines. I just learned about it through my co-worker and been studying it ever since. There is only one popular online wallet i know available here. So generally it is new here. Users i knew a few only. And knowledge not yet spread. Hope it will change in the future.

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November 24, 2016, 03:31:12 AM

In my opinion, there are to many Bitcoin SCAM sites, Revshare and HYIP, with false promises for high return.
Also, in my country, very few people accept Bitcoin offline, no so many users in my local area, no legal regulations etc.
I also don't like to much exchange fees connected with Bitcoin.

Most of bitcoiners encountered a scam online and also phising. Trusting to a stranger online is one of the reason they get into scammers who presented good ideas which lead to failure in reality as profit has nothing to gain specially when investing btc. In order to overcome it, don't trust immediately and seek assistance from an expert friend that you will not a victim of scam anymore.

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November 24, 2016, 04:36:32 AM

Currently trending problem that bitcoiners are facing is unconfirmed transaction. Me and my friend both had faced this problem and our bitcoin reversed back to us this is first in history to face such problem.
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November 24, 2016, 04:58:05 AM

Confirmation time is becoming more and more a problem especially if you keep the fees that come as default in some of the wallets.
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November 24, 2016, 06:05:42 AM

I am conducting a sort of survey on what we all see as problems in the bitcoin community.

I hope to spark an open discussion that eventually reaches a consensus.

We should probably focus on only the top 7, or maybe top 10, 5 etc...

What are the MAIN problems you face, or you have seen others face, with bitcoin?

I will list what I think are the top problems. NOTE that these are my personal opinions...
1. Still not adopted by enough of the masses to appear in local businesses
2. Too many god damn scam websites,
3. Coinbase closed my account for no reason, a law should exist to prevent businesses denying individuals key services
4. Coinbase currently is the only way to automatically send RECURRING bitcoin payments - recurring transactions a must
5. no transparent, openly white hat bounty hacker police for problem #2 - an internet police white hat hacker network would be nice

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These are the same problems i face exept coinbase,i don`t use them anymore.

I don`t think that these problems will be solved soon.

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November 24, 2016, 06:27:54 AM

Confirmation time is becoming more and more a problem especially if you keep the fees that come as default in some of the wallets.
That's true but it's not a problem. Just pay the fee to keep your transaction fast. I think it's still justifiable in terms of amount.


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November 24, 2016, 07:11:20 AM

One problem I see with bitcoin is that it's not resistant enough against FUD rumors.
Once a rumor is put into the world, there are still many people who immediately believe it. No matter how uncertain the source is.
That resolves in price drops. Fortunatelly I have noticed that these drops are becoming smaller and the price recovers faster.
So we are on a good way in that matter.

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November 24, 2016, 08:03:52 PM

Yes the biggest problem that I face is to find place,services and individuals that accept bitcoin and because of that I have to first convert it to my local currency before I could spend it.Another problem is indian exchanges to not offer conversion rate at par with international bitcoin rates
I think it is not such a big problem, I think there are a lot of trusted form who can provide you a good and trusted service, you just need to search for them and hope that when you will start using their service your trust and confident over them will also increase.

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November 24, 2016, 08:05:24 PM

Currently the problems bitcoiners are facing is longer transaction confirmation time. Still 40k+ unconfirmed transactions.

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November 24, 2016, 08:15:09 PM

The problem I would name are really different from those mentioned by the OP. Firstly, the problem is that you can't really do anything with your btc. I mean, you can't buy some stuff in your everyday life. Secondly, the price is a bit un stable, so you may pay for something and then the price of btc will drop and it's just as if you payed more for that stuff. The third problem is the legal status. There aren't many countries in which btc is legal, so it's a bit risky to use it sometimes.

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November 25, 2016, 01:35:18 AM

maybe i will list this :

1. the confirmation needs a time and can not be fast
2. i can't trying to mining bitcoin because its need big hashrate to get profit
3. still a few store online that accept bitcoin as payment
4. i am not yet found a institution or any related bitcoin in offline or my city
5. i can not get more reward from faucet because its too low for now
6. i am having difficulty when i want to explain about bitcoin and i don't know how i can started

i think that is the main problem that i have until now.

The major thing problem about the bitcoiners face was, bitcoin is not that easy for the individual to understand it. Then once they pass through about it the problems was in the online bitcoin sites I think,
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November 25, 2016, 01:41:10 AM

Since every new site or new services are coming to earn unlimited money without hardwork So most of them are scam .
But in bitcoin only very less number is sites are legit .
And in bitcoin , I think no problem that i faced  but sometimes confirmation makes me worry .

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November 25, 2016, 02:27:32 AM

For a long time in my bitcoin experience. There no big problems ive been encountered so far. Other than big crashes, here are some minor problems i've been encounter until now.

1. Few people especialy in my country knows bitcoin.
2. Few local establishments or stores accepting bitcoin.
3. Weak popularity. I ask 10 people if they know something bitcoin. They said "whats that?".

I really hope next year will be a different story.
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November 25, 2016, 02:31:41 AM

The main problem is that there's too much friction to convert Bitcoin to cash
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November 25, 2016, 02:49:26 AM

Since every new site or new services are coming to earn unlimited money without hardwork So most of them are scam .
But in bitcoin only very less number is sites are legit .
And in bitcoin , I think no problem that i faced  but sometimes confirmation makes me worry .

I'm bit thinking about the new people who are getting to know bitcoins for the first time. Because these scam sites are keep on increasing.

So the people they are scamming and being there victims are becoming more and more as the day goes by.

This is I guess one of the problems that bitcoiners must be addressed.

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