I never said they would. If you make a block smaller than the maximum permitted when there are fee paying transactions waiting-- you are making less money than someone who builds the largest block they can. -- and when they do so they undermine the effort you made at your own expense to artificially boost prices.
Right, than this means that there is another miner that is working better then you. (he has a better management of his costs)
What nodes 'show' is perfectly Sybil attackable-- if it weren't we wouldn't need mining at all.
Yes, but this is the same as now for nodes supporter of BU or Segwit or whatever, miners know this. The possible sybil attack is a common knowledge for every one, even for the possible sybil attacker.
So it isn't an easy attack,
because it isn't an automatic signal, but it is still a signal between all the others.*
Example: the common connection on the larger part of the world is 4 MB/s (*this is one of the things evaluated by miners), but miners will see that there are 60% of nodes that are signaling as supporting only 1 MB ... or the opposite 10MB!
So the sybil attack is mostly useless and expensive for a real result.
This kind of signal is more likely a confirmation: "The larger part of the nodes is confirming that they are supporting the common widespread of connections/cpu/harddisk (like 4MB, as the example before), by more than 7/8 months. Time to
try with a bigger block. Let's add 50 Kb over the last limit!"
The good things about this, it is exactly that it isn't automatic, so miners will be very careful on making changes, but still they will be "free" to conform to the market request, without waiting any permission by some perceived authorities...
Everything that can be done wrong from the miners can cause panic on the market (as it happen when a pool was near the 50%), and the lowering of the price is the first thing that worries the miners.
I think that it is easy to say that even if someone try to cause a fake panic, then this will still help the decentralization
(and making miners moving even safer)