convertekk (OP)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 08:40:03 AM |
13BTC is a lot of money. Isn't primedice responsible for investigating this ? Why is this community going so easy on them ?
convertekk (OP)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 11:01:12 AM |
the password is definitely unique to this site.
there can be many possibilites why most common are: 1.low password difficulty,some passwords can be bruteforced in under 1 hour 2.your machine is infected clicked links in chat or downloaded a script,"hash cracker" or a "100% winning script" gave your API to somebody else it is not the first time I hear stories like that,coins just disappear from accounts in 99.999% of the cases it is the user who is at fault also if you bet high amounts of money,use 2fa maybe you can check the tx and trace the thief,ask support for his ip hash and session details...but I doubt you will get your money back You know... Why if it's not? I mean it happened to me aswell and ONLY on PD. I'm not accusing them of course because I have 0 formal proof. But neither you have when you say user is at fault. What if PD is actually taking the funds from time to time, making everyone believe that it's user fault? Again that's not an accusation! It might have been just me and every user to whom it happened that had a technical issue or a virus or... Something. But in the same way it could have been PD ^^ The only thing I know is that I stopped playing here and it never happened anywhere else... how much did you lose ? why should we let them go easily if they keep robbing us this way ?
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1251
January 02, 2017, 12:50:45 PM |
the password is definitely unique to this site.
there can be many possibilites why most common are: 1.low password difficulty,some passwords can be bruteforced in under 1 hour 2.your machine is infected clicked links in chat or downloaded a script,"hash cracker" or a "100% winning script" gave your API to somebody else it is not the first time I hear stories like that,coins just disappear from accounts in 99.999% of the cases it is the user who is at fault also if you bet high amounts of money,use 2fa maybe you can check the tx and trace the thief,ask support for his ip hash and session details...but I doubt you will get your money back You know... Why if it's not? I mean it happened to me aswell and ONLY on PD. I'm not accusing them of course because I have 0 formal proof. But neither you have when you say user is at fault. What if PD is actually taking the funds from time to time, making everyone believe that it's user fault? Again that's not an accusation! It might have been just me and every user to whom it happened that had a technical issue or a virus or... Something. But in the same way it could have been PD ^^ The only thing I know is that I stopped playing here and it never happened anywhere else... how much did you lose ? why should we let them go easily if they keep robbing us this way ? I lost about 0.5btc and here is a list of the reasons why there is nothing that can really be done: 1/ We got no formal proof. In fact even if I suspect PD I have no idea if they're really guilty. The idea is plausible but I have no evidence of it 2/ PD is the oldest dice site with btc if I remember well. You can't erase that 3/ PD won the trust of bitcoin forum members, and this community is hard to get but once you have it it's impossible to lose it without a HUGE scam proof. 4/ PD is very responsive. That's not the usual scammer behaviour and you can't really expect much more from them. They're innocent until proven guilty And most important: 5/ It's gambling with btc. We all more or less expect to lose money with gambling so gambling with btc? That's like doubling your chance of losing everything! If you got proofs I guess we could do something, but even if I find all that a bit shady, I have no evidence whatsoever. And I don't really see myself accusing Stunna of stealing me without proof xD
convertekk (OP)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 01:34:01 PM |
the password is definitely unique to this site.
there can be many possibilites why most common are: 1.low password difficulty,some passwords can be bruteforced in under 1 hour 2.your machine is infected clicked links in chat or downloaded a script,"hash cracker" or a "100% winning script" gave your API to somebody else it is not the first time I hear stories like that,coins just disappear from accounts in 99.999% of the cases it is the user who is at fault also if you bet high amounts of money,use 2fa maybe you can check the tx and trace the thief,ask support for his ip hash and session details...but I doubt you will get your money back You know... Why if it's not? I mean it happened to me aswell and ONLY on PD. I'm not accusing them of course because I have 0 formal proof. But neither you have when you say user is at fault. What if PD is actually taking the funds from time to time, making everyone believe that it's user fault? Again that's not an accusation! It might have been just me and every user to whom it happened that had a technical issue or a virus or... Something. But in the same way it could have been PD ^^ The only thing I know is that I stopped playing here and it never happened anywhere else... how much did you lose ? why should we let them go easily if they keep robbing us this way ? I lost about 0.5btc and here is a list of the reasons why there is nothing that can really be done: 1/ We got no formal proof. In fact even if I suspect PD I have no idea if they're really guilty. The idea is plausible but I have no evidence of it 2/ PD is the oldest dice site with btc if I remember well. You can't erase that 3/ PD won the trust of bitcoin forum members, and this community is hard to get but once you have it it's impossible to lose it without a HUGE scam proof. 4/ PD is very responsive. That's not the usual scammer behaviour and you can't really expect much more from them. They're innocent until proven guilty And most important: 5/ It's gambling with btc. We all more or less expect to lose money with gambling so gambling with btc? That's like doubling your chance of losing everything! If you got proofs I guess we could do something, but even if I find all that a bit shady, I have no evidence whatsoever. And I don't really see myself accusing Stunna of stealing me without proof xD Proof ? I've a password unique for this site and strong enough that it would take years to decode using bruteforce. I've a machine that I'm sure is not compromised. I haven't used any scripts. and yet, it took the hacker less than 10 minutes to decode my password ? What other proofs do we need ? I'm convinced it's an insiders job.
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1251
January 02, 2017, 01:39:48 PM |
the password is definitely unique to this site.
there can be many possibilites why most common are: 1.low password difficulty,some passwords can be bruteforced in under 1 hour 2.your machine is infected clicked links in chat or downloaded a script,"hash cracker" or a "100% winning script" gave your API to somebody else it is not the first time I hear stories like that,coins just disappear from accounts in 99.999% of the cases it is the user who is at fault also if you bet high amounts of money,use 2fa maybe you can check the tx and trace the thief,ask support for his ip hash and session details...but I doubt you will get your money back You know... Why if it's not? I mean it happened to me aswell and ONLY on PD. I'm not accusing them of course because I have 0 formal proof. But neither you have when you say user is at fault. What if PD is actually taking the funds from time to time, making everyone believe that it's user fault? Again that's not an accusation! It might have been just me and every user to whom it happened that had a technical issue or a virus or... Something. But in the same way it could have been PD ^^ The only thing I know is that I stopped playing here and it never happened anywhere else... how much did you lose ? why should we let them go easily if they keep robbing us this way ? I lost about 0.5btc and here is a list of the reasons why there is nothing that can really be done: 1/ We got no formal proof. In fact even if I suspect PD I have no idea if they're really guilty. The idea is plausible but I have no evidence of it 2/ PD is the oldest dice site with btc if I remember well. You can't erase that 3/ PD won the trust of bitcoin forum members, and this community is hard to get but once you have it it's impossible to lose it without a HUGE scam proof. 4/ PD is very responsive. That's not the usual scammer behaviour and you can't really expect much more from them. They're innocent until proven guilty And most important: 5/ It's gambling with btc. We all more or less expect to lose money with gambling so gambling with btc? That's like doubling your chance of losing everything! If you got proofs I guess we could do something, but even if I find all that a bit shady, I have no evidence whatsoever. And I don't really see myself accusing Stunna of stealing me without proof xD Proof ? I've a password unique for this site and strong enough that it would take years to decode using bruteforce. I've a machine that I'm sure is not compromised. I haven't used any scripts. and yet, it took the hacker less than 10 minutes to decode my password ? What other proofs do we need ? I'm convinced it's an insiders job. That's no proof man ^^ First: you're saying things but not giving objective evidences that those things are true. How can we know that you're speaking the truth here, you might have downloaded a script or used a weak password as far as we know. Second: it's not because it seems impossible that it is. So saying "it must be that" isn't a proof. That's where it gets complicated, fact is that we have no solid evidence. But you can start a thread in the scam accusation sections saying that you SUSPECT dubious manipulation. I would back you up and I'm sure I would not be the only one. But the only thing we can do here is saying that things seem... Shady. No way I'm formally accusing PD of stealing its users. As far as I know, they're innocent until proven guilty. It's just that... I don't see how I lost my 0.5btc if it was not an inside job. I don't see other solution, but that doesn't mean there is none.
convertekk (OP)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 01:49:19 PM |
the password is definitely unique to this site.
there can be many possibilites why most common are: 1.low password difficulty,some passwords can be bruteforced in under 1 hour 2.your machine is infected clicked links in chat or downloaded a script,"hash cracker" or a "100% winning script" gave your API to somebody else it is not the first time I hear stories like that,coins just disappear from accounts in 99.999% of the cases it is the user who is at fault also if you bet high amounts of money,use 2fa maybe you can check the tx and trace the thief,ask support for his ip hash and session details...but I doubt you will get your money back You know... Why if it's not? I mean it happened to me aswell and ONLY on PD. I'm not accusing them of course because I have 0 formal proof. But neither you have when you say user is at fault. What if PD is actually taking the funds from time to time, making everyone believe that it's user fault? Again that's not an accusation! It might have been just me and every user to whom it happened that had a technical issue or a virus or... Something. But in the same way it could have been PD ^^ The only thing I know is that I stopped playing here and it never happened anywhere else... how much did you lose ? why should we let them go easily if they keep robbing us this way ? I lost about 0.5btc and here is a list of the reasons why there is nothing that can really be done: 1/ We got no formal proof. In fact even if I suspect PD I have no idea if they're really guilty. The idea is plausible but I have no evidence of it 2/ PD is the oldest dice site with btc if I remember well. You can't erase that 3/ PD won the trust of bitcoin forum members, and this community is hard to get but once you have it it's impossible to lose it without a HUGE scam proof. 4/ PD is very responsive. That's not the usual scammer behaviour and you can't really expect much more from them. They're innocent until proven guilty And most important: 5/ It's gambling with btc. We all more or less expect to lose money with gambling so gambling with btc? That's like doubling your chance of losing everything! If you got proofs I guess we could do something, but even if I find all that a bit shady, I have no evidence whatsoever. And I don't really see myself accusing Stunna of stealing me without proof xD Proof ? I've a password unique for this site and strong enough that it would take years to decode using bruteforce. I've a machine that I'm sure is not compromised. I haven't used any scripts. and yet, it took the hacker less than 10 minutes to decode my password ? What other proofs do we need ? I'm convinced it's an insiders job. That's no proof man ^^ First: you're saying things but not giving objective evidences that those things are true. How can we know that you're speaking the truth here, you might have downloaded a script or used a weak password as far as we know. Second: it's not because it seems impossible that it is. So saying "it must be that" isn't a proof. That's where it gets complicated, fact is that we have no solid evidence. But you can start a thread in the scam accusation sections saying that you SUSPECT dubious manipulation. I would back you up and I'm sure I would not be the only one. But the only thing we can do here is saying that things seem... Shady. No way I'm formally accusing PD of stealing its users. As far as I know, they're innocent until proven guilty. It's just that... I don't see how I lost my 0.5btc if it was not an inside job. I don't see other solution, but that doesn't mean there is none. That's not a bad idea. I'll wait for Stunna's reply before I start a thread on the Scam Accusation board.
January 02, 2017, 01:51:08 PM |
I'm in primedice since 2013, Never happened to me something like that. But chances are multiple
January 02, 2017, 01:58:43 PM |
the password is definitely unique to this site.
there can be many possibilites why most common are: 1.low password difficulty,some passwords can be bruteforced in under 1 hour 2.your machine is infected clicked links in chat or downloaded a script,"hash cracker" or a "100% winning script" gave your API to somebody else it is not the first time I hear stories like that,coins just disappear from accounts in 99.999% of the cases it is the user who is at fault also if you bet high amounts of money,use 2fa maybe you can check the tx and trace the thief,ask support for his ip hash and session details...but I doubt you will get your money back You know... Why if it's not? I mean it happened to me aswell and ONLY on PD. I'm not accusing them of course because I have 0 formal proof. But neither you have when you say user is at fault. What if PD is actually taking the funds from time to time, making everyone believe that it's user fault? Again that's not an accusation! It might have been just me and every user to whom it happened that had a technical issue or a virus or... Something. But in the same way it could have been PD ^^ The only thing I know is that I stopped playing here and it never happened anywhere else... You have a point though and those assumptions would be possible because anytime the house could give an excuse regarding on the situation.I dont have the right to give conclusions but the possibilities are there and same as yours i do believe in such thing that PD is the only one could able to take funds from their users since OP said that hes a programmer and developer and uses strong password and having a clean pc.
convertekk (OP)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 02:04:52 PM |
the password is definitely unique to this site.
there can be many possibilites why most common are: 1.low password difficulty,some passwords can be bruteforced in under 1 hour 2.your machine is infected clicked links in chat or downloaded a script,"hash cracker" or a "100% winning script" gave your API to somebody else it is not the first time I hear stories like that,coins just disappear from accounts in 99.999% of the cases it is the user who is at fault also if you bet high amounts of money,use 2fa maybe you can check the tx and trace the thief,ask support for his ip hash and session details...but I doubt you will get your money back You know... Why if it's not? I mean it happened to me aswell and ONLY on PD. I'm not accusing them of course because I have 0 formal proof. But neither you have when you say user is at fault. What if PD is actually taking the funds from time to time, making everyone believe that it's user fault? Again that's not an accusation! It might have been just me and every user to whom it happened that had a technical issue or a virus or... Something. But in the same way it could have been PD ^^ The only thing I know is that I stopped playing here and it never happened anywhere else... You have a point though and those assumptions would be possible because anytime the house could give an excuse regarding on the situation.I dont have the right to give conclusions but the possibilities are there and same as yours i do believe in such thing that PD is the only one could able to take funds from their users since OP said that hes a programmer and developer and uses strong password and having a clean pc. They don't necessarily have to be directly involved in a scam to take the blame. It's their duty to protect their users. So, if multiple people are getting rigged only on this site, they are exposed and have a security loophole. They have to take the responsibility and investigate thoroughly and provide the users with a guarantee that something like this wont repeat. People who are saying that it didn't happen to you since 3-4 years, you never know, you could be next. Till yesterday, I was endorsing PD in my signature and this happens to me.
January 02, 2017, 02:37:20 PM |
the password is definitely unique to this site.
there can be many possibilites why most common are: 1.low password difficulty,some passwords can be bruteforced in under 1 hour 2.your machine is infected clicked links in chat or downloaded a script,"hash cracker" or a "100% winning script" gave your API to somebody else it is not the first time I hear stories like that,coins just disappear from accounts in 99.999% of the cases it is the user who is at fault also if you bet high amounts of money,use 2fa maybe you can check the tx and trace the thief,ask support for his ip hash and session details...but I doubt you will get your money back You know... Why if it's not? I mean it happened to me aswell and ONLY on PD. I'm not accusing them of course because I have 0 formal proof. But neither you have when you say user is at fault. What if PD is actually taking the funds from time to time, making everyone believe that it's user fault? Again that's not an accusation! It might have been just me and every user to whom it happened that had a technical issue or a virus or... Something. But in the same way it could have been PD ^^ The only thing I know is that I stopped playing here and it never happened anywhere else... You have a point though and those assumptions would be possible because anytime the house could give an excuse regarding on the situation.I dont have the right to give conclusions but the possibilities are there and same as yours i do believe in such thing that PD is the only one could able to take funds from their users since OP said that hes a programmer and developer and uses strong password and having a clean pc. They don't necessarily have to be directly involved in a scam to take the blame. It's their duty to protect their users. So, if multiple people are getting rigged only on this site, they are exposed and have a security loophole. They have to take the responsibility and investigate thoroughly and provide the users with a guarantee that something like this wont repeat. People who are saying that it didn't happen to you since 3-4 years, you never know, you could be next. Till yesterday, I was endorsing PD in my signature and this happens to me. I'm not blaming them directly i just stated on some possibilities and you got have a point on which PD should take actions on this kind of scenarios because people will surely lost its trust when this thing would still continue in the future.Some people would really say nothing about this matter since they didnt experience it but if the time comes when that lost funds on their account they would probably say the same thing too.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
female ;)
January 02, 2017, 03:00:39 PM |
When I lost $10k + (currently around 16k aud now) on primedice, I got all the blame placed on me. I find it unfair how every one just blames you when you're the one who lost a huge amount of money. And it's funny how most of the people accusing you of being a fraudster are the carders, spammers, etc, who have probably never seen more than $10. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I lost 10k due to one single mistake (depositing into a SO called "safe" website.)
convertekk (OP)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 03:08:37 PM |
When I lost $10k + (currently around 16k aud now) on primedice, I got all the blame placed on me. I find it unfair how every one just blames you when you're the one who lost a huge amount of money. And it's funny how most of the people accusing you of being a fraudster are the carders, spammers, etc, who have probably never seen more than $10. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I lost 10k due to one single mistake (depositing into a SO called "safe" website.)
That's a lot of money. I feel you ! was your's the same case ? someone stole your BTC ? All the victims of this site, together we could do something about this.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
female ;)
January 02, 2017, 03:09:57 PM |
When I lost $10k + (currently around 16k aud now) on primedice, I got all the blame placed on me. I find it unfair how every one just blames you when you're the one who lost a huge amount of money. And it's funny how most of the people accusing you of being a fraudster are the carders, spammers, etc, who have probably never seen more than $10. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I lost 10k due to one single mistake (depositing into a SO called "safe" website.)
That's a lot of money. I feel you ! was your's the same case ? someone stole your BTC ? All the victims of this site, together we could do something about this. Yep. Deposited, waited for it to show in my balance, never did.Blame was placed on me. I don't think w can do anything about it, it's PrimeDice's miniature army vs us.
convertekk (OP)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 03:15:40 PM |
When I lost $10k + (currently around 16k aud now) on primedice, I got all the blame placed on me. I find it unfair how every one just blames you when you're the one who lost a huge amount of money. And it's funny how most of the people accusing you of being a fraudster are the carders, spammers, etc, who have probably never seen more than $10. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I lost 10k due to one single mistake (depositing into a SO called "safe" website.)
That's a lot of money. I feel you ! was your's the same case ? someone stole your BTC ? All the victims of this site, together we could do something about this. Yep. Deposited, waited for it to show in my balance, never did.Blame was placed on me. I don't think w can do anything about it, it's PrimeDice's miniature army vs us. You'd have a transaction to show for. wouldn't you ? Am I missing something here ?

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
female ;)
January 02, 2017, 03:18:17 PM |
When I lost $10k + (currently around 16k aud now) on primedice, I got all the blame placed on me. I find it unfair how every one just blames you when you're the one who lost a huge amount of money. And it's funny how most of the people accusing you of being a fraudster are the carders, spammers, etc, who have probably never seen more than $10. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I lost 10k due to one single mistake (depositing into a SO called "safe" website.)
That's a lot of money. I feel you ! was your's the same case ? someone stole your BTC ? All the victims of this site, together we could do something about this. Yep. Deposited, waited for it to show in my balance, never did.Blame was placed on me. I don't think w can do anything about it, it's PrimeDice's miniature army vs us. You'd have a transaction to show for. wouldn't you ? Am I missing something here ? No I did, I had all the proof that I deposited, it was my money, where I deposited from, I got people to confirm it, etc. the problem was that the money never showed up in my balance, and the staff/army said that I was infected or someone hacked me which I find incredibly hard to believe under the circumstances.
convertekk (OP)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 04:19:26 PM |
When I lost $10k + (currently around 16k aud now) on primedice, I got all the blame placed on me. I find it unfair how every one just blames you when you're the one who lost a huge amount of money. And it's funny how most of the people accusing you of being a fraudster are the carders, spammers, etc, who have probably never seen more than $10. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I lost 10k due to one single mistake (depositing into a SO called "safe" website.)
That's a lot of money. I feel you ! was your's the same case ? someone stole your BTC ? All the victims of this site, together we could do something about this. Yep. Deposited, waited for it to show in my balance, never did.Blame was placed on me. I don't think w can do anything about it, it's PrimeDice's miniature army vs us. You'd have a transaction to show for. wouldn't you ? Am I missing something here ? No I did, I had all the proof that I deposited, it was my money, where I deposited from, I got people to confirm it, etc. the problem was that the money never showed up in my balance, and the staff/army said that I was infected or someone hacked me which I find incredibly hard to believe under the circumstances. Are you telling me that you had a confirmed transaction in the blockchain from your wallet address to PD's wallet address ? and they denied the deposit ? Could you share that transaction and a screenshot of your PD account's deposit address ?
January 02, 2017, 05:01:17 PM |
13BTC is a lot of money. Isn't primedice responsible for investigating this ? Why is this community going so easy on them ? It is a lot of money without any doubt and prime dice is the only dice site i rolled for some time now and i have not seen your case talked about in primedice and why is that ? did you start a support ticket regarding that and did you get any reply from the support team regarding the issue.Prime dice will investigate the issue if you provide further information without any doubt and they wont scam anyone and have a good reputation .
Activity: 966
Merit: 1042
January 02, 2017, 05:15:01 PM |
After reading through all of this and checking around this has really only happened to you. I don't see why you would be targeted by primedice based on what you've told us so I can only assume your computer has malware. Idk that's really the only way to explain it but even if primedice could prove differently they probably won't. Sorry op. This obviously blows.
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1357
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
January 02, 2017, 05:16:27 PM |
I just created a new account with primedice and made a deposit. As I was playing, the BTC got withdrawn all of a sudden. It's either someone from the primedice team or a hacker who got hold of their database. Did anyone face this issue ?
There are multiple possibilities of getting your account hacked.What if a keylogger already resides inside your computer and the hacker took this opportunity to move your coins.Too soon to jump to any conclusions.Btw,where were the coins withdrawn to ? You have any info about the associated addresses ? Wait for Stunnah to get back to you!
January 02, 2017, 05:36:34 PM |
I just created a new account with primedice and made a deposit. As I was playing, the BTC got withdrawn all of a sudden. It's either someone from the primedice team or a hacker who got hold of their database. Did anyone face this issue ?
There are multiple possibilities of getting your account hacked.What if a keylogger already resides inside your computer and the hacker took this opportunity to move your coins.Too soon to jump to any conclusions.Btw,where were the coins withdrawn to ? You have any info about the associated addresses ? Wait for Stunnah to get back to you! We cant really jump into conclusions yet and the best way to be clear up this thing is we should wait for the management to say a thing about this matter.Its really hard to put conclusions specially if we dont have a strong proof and also there are really lots of possibilities that can someone could able to transfer your bitcoins into your account to others wallet when your computer is already compromised.
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