It's always good to see a new forum related to Bitcoins and alt-coins. Unfortunelly most forums that came with the same propost, ended really fast.
You faucet is nice, I'm looking it, but need something new and innovative to make people join it. If you offer only the same features we have here on Bitcointalk it won't be enough. People here will suggest you to add a signature campaign mechanism, something like that to pay users per posts.
That sounds like it could be a good feature for the future.
Right now for earnings people are welcome to monetize all links with Adfly, Bitcoin and Altcoin addresses in faucet referral links.
Also if people make decent post in an offtopic area like gaming they are welcome to include Amazon, Google Play, iTunes etc affiliate links to generate profits from any sales made via our forum. Though it would need to be decent content of course.
Begging threads are welcome on the forum also where people post addresses and other send coins. There was a Zcash one started not too long ago while it was worth far more.
We also wanted to make it a general earn money online forum also and offer money making methods and have giveaways etc, so it's not just dedicated to cryptocurrency.