Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 06:39:45 PM |
pramila28! I wrote email to Mark, and also my friend (account : argroupru). His balance also high =0.78 BTC. He is invite me on site cetobeto. Reply me, when will i get answer from Admin? Today or tomorrow??? Thank you!  wew 0.78 btc.. sorry i dont know.. but curious what u need them for.. most expensive beto only 0.1 btc.. btw curious also.. is any of u that hv more than 0.01 balance n got payment? (except that cetobeto+scammer) he bark too much n cant provide proof.. my guts telling me not to trust him.. I suspect that cetobeto+scammer itself some thing here {identity hidden} - I too never believe - its not showing its proof of what its saying here... one more its not honest here KEEP FOOLING PEOPLE !!! IF SOMEBODY WILL GET MORE THAN 0.00100000 FROM HIS BALANCE PLEASE SHOW TO US .. I'M SURE AFTER FEW MONTHS HE WILL START WITH A NEW SCAMMER SITE .. BUT BELIEVE ME THAT SITE WILL BE HIS END AND IT WILL BE ON MY HANDS .. FUCK YOU PRAMILA28 AND FUCK DONALD MARKBILA Moderators of Bitcoin Talk Org -- shouldn't keep this person in this forum {identity is completely hidden } + High Usage of Slangs Vulgar in nature[/color][/color][/b] do you think they will listen to some scammers like all of you  !!! BE SURE THAT I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I GET BACK MY MONEYHow much does he owe you? I'll send you some btc so you just stop spamming and bumping this thread constantly. wow, I agree. my balance was 0.03 ! can you send it to me now ?! Yes, so you just stfu. PM me with address. the address is : 1ZmG6K1og5bhSBEfXXxE6M4JysJKBJDsA Do you understand ENGLISH? PM ME AN ADDRESS. PM - PRIVATE MESSAGE. Send me a new address IN PRIVATE MESSAGE. EDIT: Guy is mentally retarded. Seriously. I asked him to send me a new private address in PM, he sent me the same. http://prntscr.com/e1waqwAin't gonna send any coins, lol. I'm really amazed how stubborn you are. You had your chance 2 chances to get your 0.03 BTC, but you read with your ass, instead your eyes. Wasted enough time. EDIT2: Actually. Post with your real account and I'll send you 0.04  Just interested to see the content of your real account. what's wrong with you !!! you also one from his team ??!! ALL OF YOU ARE SCAMMERS
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 06:42:33 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC.  Let the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. You'll have to prove that account is yours though. Login to your real account and PM me with the same address you last PMd me.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 06:47:05 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC. https://i.imgur.com/7eELY.gifLet the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member ..
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 06:48:33 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC.  Let the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 06:53:09 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC. https://i.imgur.com/7eELY.gifLet the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer. as i told you better for you to come and play with my member .. you will like it and ask for more
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 06:53:26 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC.  Let the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer. as i told you better for you to come and play with my member .. you will like it and ask for more You lost 0.05 BTC. Have a good day. * mexicantarget going back to auto pilot mode.  I wish I could express myself more freely, but I have to pretend that I'm serious.  My inner troll is burning right now. He's hungry.
January 29, 2017, 06:55:13 PM |
hahaha wait , wait ... cetobeto+scammer you just create new member ( albruster ) and you call donald a scammer??
Please post the proof here where did you deposit 0,03 BTC on cetobeto !!
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 06:56:58 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC. https://i.imgur.com/7eELY.gifLet the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer. as i told you better for you to come and play with my member .. you will like it and ask for more You lost 0.05 BTC. Have a good day. just help me with this http://prntscr.com/e1v8xcmy cetobeto account same as here l30ch3n
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 06:59:00 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC.  Let the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer. as i told you better for you to come and play with my member .. you will like it and ask for more You lost 0.05 BTC. Have a good day. just help me with this http://prntscr.com/e1v8xcmy cetobeto account same as here l30ch3n I can't. That offer was just for that annoying guy who was wasting everyone's time. Him and that other person quoting him are really lost people.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 07:00:40 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC. https://i.imgur.com/7eELY.gifLet the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer. as i told you better for you to come and play with my member .. you will like it and ask for more You lost 0.05 BTC. Have a good day. * mexicantarget going back to auto pilot mode. http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/ha-ha1.gifI wish I could express myself more freely, but I have to pretend that I'm serious.  My inner troll is burning right now. He's hungry. fuk your funny personality
January 29, 2017, 07:01:36 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC.  Let the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer. as i told you better for you to come and play with my member .. you will like it and ask for more You lost 0.05 BTC. Have a good day. just help me with this http://prntscr.com/e1v8xcmy cetobeto account same as here l30ch3n I think that mexcantarget is not charity  and he probably won't paid your balance from cetobeto account but if he paid you , I expect that he will do the same for me 
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 07:04:11 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC. https://i.imgur.com/7eELY.gifLet the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer. as i told you better for you to come and play with my member .. you will like it and ask for more You lost 0.05 BTC. Have a good day. just help me with this http://prntscr.com/e1v8xcmy cetobeto account same as here l30ch3n I can't. That offer was just for that annoying guy who was wasting everyone's time. Him and that other person quoting him are really lost people. ah ok,i understand lol thanks
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 07:07:06 PM |
* mexicantarget grabs popcorn You had 2 chances to get 0.03 BTC. 1 chance to get 0.04 BTC.  Let the games begin. Post with your real account and I'll give you 0.05 BTC. I'm a man of my word. come and play with my member .. I updated previous post. Please read. I'm really bored. Don't lose 0.05BTC. This is my last offer. as i told you better for you to come and play with my member .. you will like it and ask for more You lost 0.05 BTC. Have a good day. * mexicantarget going back to auto pilot mode.  I wish I could express myself more freely, but I have to pretend that I'm serious.  My inner troll is burning right now. He's hungry. fuk your funny personality Thank you for recognizing my funny personality! You're the first person who's recognized that! I'm seriously bored. Watching boring movie. "iBoy". Guy got shot at his head. Pieces of an iPhone got inside of his head and now he's connected to the internet 24/7, looking for the bad guys who harmed his girlfriend. He's hacking a phone with his brain right now. cetobeto+scammer, want me to keep you updated with this movie?
January 29, 2017, 07:07:41 PM |
donaldbitcoin, It will be better if you lock this thread... 
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 07:11:54 PM |
Wait, so, you got no proof and simply talking shit about imaginary coins you supposedly have/had on ceto ghetto?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 07:15:22 PM |
Wait, so, you got no proof and simply talking shit about imaginary coins you supposedly have/had on ceto ghetto? tell me .. fuckin scammer donald markabi pay good for you to posting or what ?!!!
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 07:18:24 PM |
Wait, so, you got no proof and simply talking shit about imaginary coins you supposedly have/had on ceto ghetto? tell me .. fuckin scammer donald markabi pay good for you to posting or what ?!!! Yes, he paid me 0.05 BTC so I pay you but now I'm scamming his 0.05 BTC so I revenge you. We're in profit brah!
January 29, 2017, 07:18:48 PM |
Hello cetobeto+scammer, please make a thread here: http://cointalk.club/index.php?board=44.0 about this scam website and PM me with your BTC address. I am looking for some posts to be made on my forum, do it and I will pay you. :-)
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1043
Cypherpunk (& cyberpunk)
January 29, 2017, 07:27:23 PM |
Wait, so, you got no proof and simply talking shit about imaginary coins you supposedly have/had on ceto ghetto? tell me .. fuckin scammer donald markabi pay good for you to posting or what ?!!! Yes, he paid me 0.05 BTC so I pay you but now I'm scamming his 0.05 BTC so I revenge you. We're in profit brah! you know .. take from him 0.05 and put it in your a............ mother .. fucking scammers Put where? I can't read what you say, I see "........" I don't understand that language? Is it Braille language? How am I supposed to read Braille, this isn't a touch screen!
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2017, 07:35:12 PM |
Wait, so, you got no proof and simply talking shit about imaginary coins you supposedly have/had on ceto ghetto? tell me .. fuckin scammer donald markabi pay good for you to posting or what ?!!! Yes, he paid me 0.05 BTC so I pay you but now I'm scamming his 0.05 BTC so I revenge you. We're in profit brah! you know .. take from him 0.05 and put it in your a............ mother .. fucking scammers Put where? I can't read what you say, I see "........" I don't understand that language? Is it Braille language? How am I supposed to read Braille, this isn't a touch monitor! its your mother language .. just ask her and she will learn you .