I am calling for a nice little spike within 36 hours.
I'll keep HODLing on my $12.5k sell order for another 36 hours.
If it plunges below $10k, I will find you, and make you my bitch.
No lube.
Prediction making has consequences these days. Us HODLers, and perhaps especially Toxic, are hoping for a spike in the upwards direction in the coming day and a half.
Regarding my own predicting abilities, I frequently am pretty whimpy in that respect. I consider that currently we have a BTC price battle that is largely ranging in the $10k to $12.5k arena, so certainly Bob is betting on price movement into the upper end of the range - which seems to be reasonable, yet really nothing to write home about until we bounce either above the range into the $13ks or below the range, into the 4 digits. Maybe I am close to 50/50 in my current thinking regarding which way the break out is going to go, and I suppose that if I was forced in either direction, I would give a slightly more favorable to up.. perhaps 51%
No hopium here per say my friend. Just putting forth some speculation. If enough of us throw mud against the wall..some is bound to stick.
My use of "hope" might NOT have been the best of choices, yet I did not mean anything denigrating about it - because certainly the past month has been a bit frustrating for HODLers and those of us who have been contemplating decent likelihoods of further upwards BTC price movements. So, surely, the longer that BTC prices bleed downwards and then get stuck in lower price ranges causes many folks to become less and less bullish - and even perhaps to give up on some of their BTC accumulation strategy and to take profits while the price is going down... just likely establishing that some of these folks are engaging in such behavior because they are over-invested (even if just short-term) even in light of their own long term BTC bullishness.
Personally, If we really reflect upon what we are doing, I don't think that many of us are really throwing up mud - because in the end, even though a lot of folks like to talk in terms of absolutes, I really think that if push comes to shove, they are merely talking in terms of what they believe to be more probable than not, even while most folks tend to assign too high a percentage on the side of the outcome that they believe to be most probable.
I actually think you show the most discipline when it comes to having a "strategy" anyway.
Maybe I am a bit of a navel gazer because I certainly do get some pleasures out of analyzing my own approach - whether anyone responds to my analysis or not.
I think that by constantly attempting to practice and then looking at your own approach, you become more and more in tune with how to make it better and perhaps less emotionally involved. Yet, believe me, I also have second thoughts about my own approach, especially when the overall value of my holdings drops 50%. I mean I am trading with so small of a percentage of my overall holdings that BTC prices falling causes nearly an equal drop in the overall value of my holdings, even though I am buying all the way down.
In reviewing my own application of my buy on the way down system, I see that when BTC prices hit $19,666, I had accumulated fiat that was valued about 10% of my total value. When BTC prices dropped by 50%, I used about 50% of what I had accumulated in fiat to buy back BTC. If BTC prices were to drop an additional 75% from $11,300 to $3k, then I already have BTC buy orders set up that project that I would end up using 75% of my currently existing fiat to buy back BTC down to that $3k level.
I am not even sure if I understand my own system exactly because from time to time I tweak it a little bit to confirm that "this would be good at x price" or "this would be good y price," so if BTC prices go shooting one way or another (which we have already witnessed very many times, even in recent times), then I have already predetermined my buy/sell amounts to be o.k for such BTC price shooting.
Actually, several of us HODLers and BTC bulls were probably quite shocked beyond our belief to experience BTC prices to shoot up with such violence past $5k - $7k and into the 5 digits and then to go as far as $19,666. Yes, a lot of us have considered shooting up past that $5-$7k price range to be possible, but it became quite a deer in the headlights moment when it happened, and there are some folks who have some tentative plan that they follow no matter what (and that was me), and some others who were stressed out because they were trying to create a plan in the midst of the happening, which is much more difficult to do.
I think that no matter what some of us, including myself, are going to have second thoughts about "I should have sold more" or "I should have bought more" , yet the more that you consider your plan in advance and reconsider and tweak it, the better you are going to be to lessen some of those stresses (that do not go away completely).
And ikr...Bob is out to get me...im scared kinda. ..not even the common courtesy to offer a reach around. /s
You will be fine tomorrow Bob..go find some varmint to take it out on.
Probably Bob is much more of a sweet teddy bear (not trying to imply) than he makes out to be.
Nice doji forming on the 6hr..
After all these years in bitcoin, I frequently have difficulties attributing meaning to some of these chart (TA) indictators, and sometimes difficult to determine which chart is best for which purpose. I do tend to think that the 3 day or the 1 week are better to figure out if trade volume is moving in one or another direction - because sometimes we can lulls in the action for a few days that returns in GREAT force a few days later.