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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.8%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (7%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.6%)
$95K to $100K - 28 (19.7%)
>$100K - 82 (57.7%)
Total Voters: 142

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26729107 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Activity: 2450
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May 31, 2023, 02:01:20 PM

Chartbuddy thanks
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May 31, 2023, 03:01:22 PM

Chartbuddy thanks
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'The right to privacy matters'

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May 31, 2023, 03:43:57 PM
Merited by bitcoinPsycho (1)

buddy doing the grind.

I do my dca today

and I decided adding 2 s19s to the mine is wrong so I am adding 4 s19s on Friday the 2nd June

rather than adding 2.
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May 31, 2023, 04:01:24 PM

Chartbuddy thanks
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diamond-handed zealot

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May 31, 2023, 04:26:17 PM
Last edit: May 31, 2023, 04:49:50 PM by jojo69
Merited by El duderino_ (31), yslyv (1)

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May 31, 2023, 04:34:18 PM

I can see how this could cause delays... distracting at the very least.
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May 31, 2023, 05:00:55 PM
Last edit: May 31, 2023, 05:13:02 PM by Richy_T
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

Were not the monitors so big in 1989 that a distance of 50cm could not be realised at all? Or were the desks just deeper (in depth) back then?

Monitors were generally smaller. Unless you really needed one, you were probably hanging out around 13-15" (like the one in the picture). 20" monitors were monsters and a danger to move around. The main issue is that people would put the monitor on top of the PC case which, while seemingly an obvious thing to do, is not ergonomic. FWIW, 50cm is not that far. Basically at the back of the keyboard and a little bit more. The LCD and the back of the desk seems extreme to me (that's more like 100cm) and would have me straining to see the pixels.

As to multi-monitor setups, people generally have a primary and use the extras for ancillary information or occasional viewing.
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Activity: 2450
Merit: 2089


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May 31, 2023, 05:04:52 PM

Chartbuddy thanks
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11694

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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May 31, 2023, 05:43:09 PM
Last edit: May 31, 2023, 06:22:40 PM by JayJuanGee
Merited by bitcoinPsycho (1)

Corn yoyoing in the same range, not hitting either my upper or lower ladder, arg.

With interest rates so high I might have to sell some to buy a house, since real estate prices aren't really going down like they should.

Very torn about this although it would be "only" about 16% of my stash, it's still years of DCA.

On the other hand a "managed risk" investment of mine paid big today, about 2 years of DCA, so selling the same amount is down to 15% of my stash now.

These are frequently going to be dilemmas that accumulators/HODLers are going to ongoingly have in terms of sometimes pressing issues that might contribute to their having to consider whether to sell more of their cornz than they would have had wished to sell... and in that regard, it is likely that no one except for yourself might well be able to determine how exactly to balance your dilemma and whether you might be crossing over into thresholds that you wished that you would have had not crossed.

It seems to me that you have been having similar housing dilemmas for years now - and I recall your having some dilemmas regarding buying in the country versus the city and weighing the costs of commute.. and surely sometimes our dilemmas might get resolved once we pull the trigger, and sI suppose part of the dilemma in terms of pulling the trigger in the first place may well be that the case is almost never clear - and surely, selling 15% of your stash seems to be a much better situation than some folks face, relatively speaking.

I have to laugh at this latest pumping of Nvidia stock and the so-called coming "AI Revolution".

What a load of horse shit. Same playbook as other Wall Street PnD's of the past.

Remember the pumping of the 3D stocks (Stratasys and 3D Systems) around 2012-2013 during the so-called "3D Printing Revolution"?

Remember the pumping of Overstock stock during the so-called "Crypto Revolution"?

Remember the pumping of Peloton stock during the so-called "WFH and Exercise Revolution"?

Yeah, Pepperidge Farm remembers.  Roll Eyes

Wall Street must think that the public is completely stupid and gullible at this point. Which...well, they are.  Roll Eyes   Tongue
Phaha you have no clue how far A.I development in US and Eu is. It is on a good path to become sentient and bye bye bljatcoin

one day youll wake up and blajtcoin is gonna be $1 and then a.i is gonna inflate its price to 1 Billion and you wont be able to sell

At best, you sound confused eXPHorizon.

More likely you are purposefully spouting out nonsensical assertions and/or misinformation.

It seems to me that one of the most important points for persons, institutions and/or governments that might be active in this thread would be to figure out how to get off of zero, and thereby to start to accumulate bitcoin in the direction of some kind of a reasonable target level, whether that might be 1% of an allocation or 25% of an allocation, in terms of a starting off point.

Once they have started to accumulate and build their BTC stash, they should be able to study what is bitcoin along the way in such a manner that they are able to thereafter (once they are more informed) adjust their BTC accumulation and thereafter their BTC portfolio maintenance strategy in such a way that is more tailored to their own individual circumstances.

You, eXPHorizon, on the other hand, have continuously demonstrated that you are beyond saving since you both refuse to get off of zero and you ongoingly and purposefully continue to spout out nonsensical and sometimes misleading information in regards to my lil precious... and/or other off-topic subjects that you bring up from time to time.
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Activity: 2450
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May 31, 2023, 06:03:29 PM

Chartbuddy thanks
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11694

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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May 31, 2023, 06:15:32 PM
Merited by Hueristic (1)

I didn't choose the Bank.
I didn't choose the dollar.
I didn't choose the money.
I didn't choose the Altcoin.
I didn't choose the big house.
I didn't choose fractional reserve banking.
I didn't choose central banks.
I didn't choose the land purchase.
I dodn't choose interest.
I choose the Bitcoin. [resized to remove the yelling]

Oh gawd!!!!!!!     Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

You sound like one of those libtard** nutjobs who speculate that they are able to completely live outside of the real world and/or start over.. and/or act like there is absolutely nothing redeemable in society.. even if there are a lot of broken aspects (including but not limited to monetary incentives) that bitcoin likely will help to address (and perhaps even fix)..

**referring to libertarians who are so anti-government and may well not even believe that there is any such thing as a public good devolving into such anti-government that they seem to lose focus and/or practical logic.

BITCOIN 55k Bullish fractal on 1M ahead of a MACD Bullish Cross!


What does your mumbo-jumbo description mean?  Does it mean that the price of dee cornz is going up? and if so, by how much? and when?

We are going to see a breakout sooner or later. The market continues to squeeze. The probability of an upside breakout is higher than a downside breakout.

You too?

Let me repeat my earlier questions .. at least you are saying that the price of dee cornz is likely to go up rather than down, but you are not giving much of a when, and you are also not providing much of a how much neither.   

Gawd help me to help my lil selfie!!!!!!   alternatively, if this prayer for gawd does not help, maybe either you, ophyrim, can help or alternatively Subbir will be able to provide some helpenings to yours truly (and other WO thread readers).
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May 31, 2023, 06:22:10 PM
Merited by El duderino_ (3), JayJuanGee (1)

US Senator Elizabeth Warren Calls to End Crypto-Funded Fentanyl Trade

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren called for an end to the cryptocurrency funded fentanyl trade during a Senate hearing citing Elliptic research. A Treasury Department official backed Warren statement emphasizing the appeal of cryptocurrency payments to Chinese companies involved in fentanyl production because they provide pseudonyms. Warren emphasized the need for legislation like the Digital Asset Anti Money Laundering Act to combat the growing fentanyl epidemic in the United States.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11694

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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May 31, 2023, 06:24:57 PM

Just in case anyone is wondering why chartbuddy is being a prick it is because the global economy is going to shit at a faster pace. Bad numbers in China and Europe have come out today, and this will continue to get worse (as it has for the last year now) before it gets better. That is until it gets so bad that the CBs and Govs step in with more brrrr.

Going off PMIs, yield curves, retail numbers, credit numbers, etc. I'm expecting this to come to a conclusion in the Q3, but timing is impossible so I am probably wrong. What I do know for sure though is that it will happen and when it does make sure you have some dry powder ready because the way out of (temporary) of this global deflationary monetary system will send asset prices to the moon once again.

It is this next brrr that will really strangle the poor and middle class, so hold onto your Bitcoin, you're going to need it.


I am not really materially opposed to anything that you are describing somac - except perhaps that you seem to be making some kind of an inclination that king daddy has to waits for macro-conditions in order to go UPpity?

According to uie-pooie.. it seems to be something like this:

>>>>"Waits dee cornz.

waits king daddy

waits my lil precious

wait honey bad

wait number go up tech

you's gots to waits ur lil selfie for dee rights conditionings."<<<<<

US Senator Elizabeth Warren Calls to End Crypto-Funded Fentanyl Trade

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren called for an end to the cryptocurrency funded fentanyl trade during a Senate hearing citing Elliptic research. A Treasury Department official backed Warren statement emphasizing the appeal of cryptocurrency payments to Chinese companies involved in fentanyl production because they provide pseudonyms. Warren emphasized the need for legislation like the Digital Asset Anti Money Laundering Act to combat the growing fentanyl epidemic in the United States.

Is this a sign of desperation, or what?  We know that governments have tendencies to engage in these kinds of rhetorical ploys.. ... and surely, sometimes the rhetorical ploys work enough to get the population worked up into their feelings.
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May 31, 2023, 06:27:03 PM

Were not the monitors so big in 1989 that a distance of 50cm could not be realised at all? Or were the desks just deeper (in depth) back then?

Monitors were generally smaller. Unless you really needed one, you were probably hanging out around 13-15" (like the one in the picture). 20" monitors were monsters and a danger to move around. The main issue is that people would put the monitor on top of the PC case which, while seemingly an obvious thing to do, is not ergonomic. FWIW, 50cm is not that far. Basically at the back of the keyboard and a little bit more. The LCD and the back of the desk seems extreme to me (that's more like 100cm) and would have me straining to see the pixels.

As to multi-monitor setups, people generally have a primary and use the extras for ancillary information or occasional viewing.

I still remind the ammount of steel we have on the tv stands who where attached to the wall, or the arms to make it "mobile".

I remember the weight of an old CRT televisions from 40 inch to above, man that weight a ton. You can easy get a disc bulge moving that.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11694

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

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May 31, 2023, 06:38:11 PM

We are going to see a breakout sooner or later. The market continues to squeeze. The probability of an upside breakout is higher than a downside breakout.

What Does Bitcoin and Altcoins Need to Rise Again?

Why you need to go dooooo dat.... Stavri?

We were having such a lovely discussion bout dee cornz, and u's gots to go and mention shitcoinz.
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May 31, 2023, 06:39:28 PM

I remember the weight of an old CRT televisions from 40 inch to above, man that weight a ton. You can easy get a disc bulge moving that.

Even a relatively small one could kill a small child.
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May 31, 2023, 07:04:52 PM

Chartbuddy thanks
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May 31, 2023, 07:14:03 PM

We are going to see a breakout sooner or later. The market continues to squeeze. The probability of an upside breakout is higher than a downside breakout.

You too?

Let me repeat my earlier questions .. at least you are saying that the price of dee cornz is likely to go up rather than down, but you are not giving much of a when, and you are also not providing much of a how much neither.  

Gawd help me to help my lil selfie!!!!!!   alternatively, if this prayer for gawd does not help, maybe either you, ophyrim, can help or alternatively Subbir will be able to provide some helpenings to yours truly (and other WO thread readers).

You asked me "when?" Only a fortuneteller can know the answer to this question, not a trader. A trader does not trade according to predictions, he/she trades according to probabilities. You wait, whatever possibility occurs, you take a position according to that situation. If the formation breaks the upside you buy, if the formation breaks the downside you sell that's how a trade works, nothing more. However, I can say that the probability of realization of this break in about 50 days is very high.
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Activity: 4396
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'The right to privacy matters'

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May 31, 2023, 07:18:01 PM

US Senator Elizabeth Warren Calls to End Crypto-Funded Fentanyl Trade

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren called for an end to the cryptocurrency funded fentanyl trade during a Senate hearing citing Elliptic research. A Treasury Department official backed Warren statement emphasizing the appeal of cryptocurrency payments to Chinese companies involved in fentanyl production because they provide pseudonyms. Warren emphasized the need for legislation like the Digital Asset Anti Money Laundering Act to combat the growing fentanyl epidemic in the United States.

just legalize it and sell it and make money on it.

I am in favor of all stoner drugs being legal.

As all prohibition has failed.
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$130000 next target Confirmed

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May 31, 2023, 07:25:07 PM
Merited by El duderino_ (11), Hueristic (1), JayJuanGee (1), jojo69 (1), HI-TEC99 (1)

"Millions of PC Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor"
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