[edited out]
jjg these brief reports need to be flesh out better.
so much detail missing
you should be able to do 10,000 more characters at least.
If we are engaging in potential back and forth of ideas, I already decided how much I was going to say. If you were actually to want more details, then you would need to point out which part.
However... Sigh...

Based on a recent presentation (or talk) by Eric, I heard someone say that Eric was smart and he knows about bitcoin - apparently, not.
I was wondering if he was the one that spoke at the Middle Eastern Bitcoin conference there. He spoke quite well with fairly good understanding, but so many people have fallen into that same hole.
Yep.. I am pretty sure that was the one that I had heard about, and many folks were quite impressed with Eric Trump's presentation.
Actually, you sparked me to look up the actual presentation, and yeah.. I watched his presentation at 1.5x-ish. It is about 27 minutes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ6rqYl5Xn4He is a pretty decent speaker, but he did weave in several shitcoin talking points, but in his speech, he did also focus quite a bit on making sure to weave bitcoin in there too, while also seemed to appear like he knew what he was talking about from a point of somewhat conviction (to the extent that politicians - people associated with politicians might be able to actually have conviction).
have seen better mornings
but imo
Bitcoin reminding us,
it isn't get rich fast asset.
Stay dedicated.
I feel like I am getting rich pretty quick... even if we might take $1k as my average entry price.[...]
I never believed in get-rich-quick schemes, until I experienced my first Bitcoin cycle. Now, on my third one, I'm a believer!
Yeah.. the concreteness of the compounding value starts to sink in.
Pinch me. Could this be true? All that I ("we") had to do was mostly error on the side of holding, and even if any of us who had mostly accumulated before 2017, had sold 5% every time the BTC price doubled in the past 9-ish years, We still would have had ended up rich as fuck (and fairly quickly in the whole scheme of things).. Not trying to brag on behave of those who might have had mostly been able to accumulate most of their stash prior to 2017.....
Sure in the first few years, (perhaps the first whole cycle), there was a need to accumulate bitcoin (and I am not going to say those first stages of BTC accumulation were easy), and yeah also there are guys that likely have to accumulate over a couple of cycles rather than being able to front load their investment into one cycle, and so the guys who had not been able to front load their bitcoin investment might ONLY be beginning to see the advancement of their status as long as they kept accumulating BTC along the way... and yeah the guy who had ONLY been able to accumulate around
$50 per week over the past 9 years, would have had invested around $23,500 and still be feeling pretty good right now with slightly more than 7 BTC. Such guy might not be "killing it" with 7 BTC, but surely getting to such 7 bitcoin status with persistent bitcoin investing and only $50 per week should have had seemed like about as good of a outcome that any normal guy of relatively modest means (yet persistence in his ongoing investment into bitcoin) could have had expected.
[...]I feel like I am getting rich pretty quick... even if we might take $1k as my average entry price.[...]
And you were mocked, maybe even I did (for fun, obviously), for years about that. Well I guess who is laughing now. Especially when I can now carefully conclude this as some sort of an admission you got yourself a
whole coin.
hahahahaha Fair points...
I remember in my earlier years of posting on this thread (I only posted in this thread my first 3-4 years on the forum), I would fairly regularly say that my average cost per BTC was $600 and then coming down to $500 and perhaps even getting slightly below $500, and so in 2015-ish members would post that "we will know that we are getting into good status once JJG gets in profits." But, the punchline seems to be that guys used to razz me so much, and I recall at more than one point in late 2016 or perhaps getting into early 2017, more than one poster said how much that they hated how "arrogant" that I got once my BTC were in profits, and proclaiming that I was so much "nicer" and easier to deal with when my holdings were in a loss.
Surely at some point in 2017 or 2018, I started to consider my BTC to be having average costs closer to $1k per coin since not only were "mistakes made" but it also started to make more sense to use that $1k average cost number.
Regarding the whole coiner status, since your forum registration is pretty similar to mine, for sure you likely recall that in 2014, 2015 and 2016 there were quite a few guys taking 21 BTC for granted as "easy peasy" and many normies were shooting for 3 digit BTC or more, even though even during that time, it was becoming more and more difficult to get to 3 digit BTC, but a good number of guys were still making those kinds of aims.
It seems to me that 2018-2020 many normies were more willing to shoot for 10 to 21 BTC - perhaps even mindrust as an example, and then the shooting for getting 1 whole BTC became more of a focus in 2021 and after that, and many times I still had been getting the sense that getting to 1 BTC had become out of touch for a large number of normies - especially non-western ones.. even though at the same time, we can see that guys who were at least as serious as
$200 per week in the past 4 years, such guys would have invested slightly more than $40k, and would have had been able to get to whole coiner(+) status... so yes, it was still doable to get to whole coiner status in the last 4 years with a bit of ambition and perhaps a decent enough budget to be able to buy $200 per week of bitcoin.
Part of the reason that I have been thinking about 0.1 BTC to 0.21 BTC as more reasonable beginner aspirations, yet at the same time beginners still could work towards higher goals upon reaching lower goals, and for sure even with myself I would like to admit to getting to greater than 0.63 BTC in my own personal stash, which is greater than 3x the higher end of those beginner BTC accumulation thresholds, and surely I am not willing to proclaim whole coiner status or even greater than whole coiner status, even though I am not proclaiming to have had made major mistakes like I had proclaimed to have had made in early 2017-ish...
One of the great things about bitcoin continues to be its divisibility, so a guy can do quite a bit with greater than 0.63 BTC.. ..whether or not that might be a "don't go any lower" threshold, since also might know that sometimes if we might start to sell BTC as the price goes up, then our BTC stash will start to get lower, and even I had proclaimed to have had accomplished most of my BTC accumulations in my first whole BTC cycle... devil is in the details in regards to how a newbie coming to bitcoin today might want to try to focus his accumulation in the first cycle.. whether coming right now, or surely some guys may have had been accumulating for 1-2 years, which surely many of us would consider them to be fortunate to have had started their accumulation perhaps even starting in 2022 would have had not been a bad time to start - even though so many folks were getting scared about getting into bitcoin and getting started accumulating bitcoin during those somewhat stressful times.
I feel like I am getting rich pretty quick... even if we might take $1k as my average entry price.[...]
And you were mocked, maybe even I did (for fun, obviously), for years about that. Well I guess who is laughing now. Especially when I can now carefully conclude this as some sort of an admission you got yourself a
whole coin.
Last I updated my database, JJG admitted to having or not having 0.67
I think his finances improved recently, so he was able to DCA or not DCA 0.33 more.
Hodl JJG! Don't be discouraged by all the bear talk, or we'll have to batslap you.
I won't be able to confirm those levels of specifics.. oofta!!! That's a lot.
I will confirm that my spirits are mostly up.