What other companies really come in comparison to BitGo as I really wouldn't want to put Blockchain.info in the same league as it really isn't.
Bitgo doesn't give full control because you will not have private key.
Blockchain.info allows you to have full control and wallets are client side encrypted.
Bitgo charge high fees in % basis but blockchain.info charge normal bitcoin fees and all of that fees go towards transaction fee not to owner's pocket.

Bitgo looks more like centralized bitcoin wallet justlike coinbase but their idea of instant confirmation sound interesting.
Even on that 0.1% fee is already too much specially when we do make big amount transfers and i dont like for those fees to go on owners pocket.

. Having no possesion on your private keys do always accompanied with the risk for you on not having the possibility of recovery once the service shuts down unlike on other wallet that keys will really be the important thing that must have. Id rather choose coinbase with no doubt than on bitgo.
Coinbase actually used to (I am not sure if they still do or not) offer "vault" services in which you would send your bitcoin to a multisig address and coinbase would only sign transactions out of that address under a certain set of circumstances. It was a 2-of-3 multisig, and the customer would have two of the keys in case coinbase ever shut down.
I think they do still have that kind of feature.Im using coinbase in web browser and the same time on their mobile app too which they do really have that vault service but im not aware on that kind of service which do capable on having a multisig addresses. Thanks for telling out and I might try it soon once i logged in to that wallet and would find out if it does still function or not.
I would point out that having bitcoin in a coinbase multi-sig 'vault' was never the same as having it in your coinbase account. If you wanted to sell those coins, you would need to sign and broadcast a transaction to your coinbase deposit address and wait for the same number of confirmations as any other deposit.
I would suggest creating a multisig wallet with electrum that requires 2 of 3 (or whatever) signatures to sign a transaction over using bitgo. This will result in paying the same transaction fee, however would save you money because you would not be paying bitgo. It would also likely result in an incremental increased level of security because with bitgo, if your computer is hacked, you will likely have your bitgo account compromised and your wallet compromised, however with a 2 of 3 multisig, you would need to have multiple devices compromised.