Hello everybody,
i have a short update for this week:
This week we found a lot of bugs. And we fixed them all. Okay some issues are still opened. But we have done a lot.
Server is now running with a load of under 1.00 (very stable). We had a peak of 907 Online users on the server. 907 User in 5 Minutes. (from a referal website)
We fixed today also some issues with payouts. Some users said they dont receive coins for hours. We found the issue and fixed it.
We had a day with over 18.000 Transactions per day. The minimum payout is now 0.0005 BRO. I will test the networt but i will not spam the Blockchain. Later we will have a lot of transaction.
We had build an interface for users to test stations from our database. Its simple. I will show you this in a few days.
When we have added the additional 24.000 radiostations from our database we will add some stations manually. You can request to add a radiostation. (but only if we have done this.)
Adding manually is more complex. For this reason we add first the stations from our database. Next week we will have over 1500 working stations.
We also made the setup for the one DASH masternode & 5 Nesocoin & 5 Bro Masternodes to earn some money for our BURNAdress. BTW. If you want to burn some BRO or Brotoshis (i like the name satoshi) send some coins to this address BroBurnAddressXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXsEx46
And yes i will provide a proof that i own the private keys for these masternodes
A user requested an ISO or Image for raspberry pi 3. I will do this. But i need some time for this.
If someone can create one please send me a message. I will download it and check it. If not. i will create one.
The website burbro.io will be ready in a month. Users can the listen to radio and burn BRO while listening. Works at the moment but we have not rolled out the last version of the script or website. we focus on bugfixing.
The Server for the forum is up and running now. We still have some issues.
Our "own" blockexplorer is not running very stable. But we will fix this. Again: Our focus is the webserver for Bitrad.io
We had bought a dice script. We are checking the code at the moment. (The dicer will be ready when we launch... i hope and think in may 2017)
If someone wants to setuo a mining pool f.e a p2p pool for dash or other pools i have a good domainname (coinpool.de) for this. if you can do this please contact me.
This week i will do some videos for our youtube channel. Including how to earn coins, hot to stake and how to setuo a masternode.
I have a question to you all: Which features do you miss on the site. What ideas should be implemented? Please post some ideas.
http://forum.bitrad.io/topic/60/bitrad-io-new-featuresI have on last thing: I am very busy at the moment and i cant answer all questions in this forum on our forum and all messages at the moment. I a sorry for that. A good support is very important. But i cant do this a t the moment. I was expecting 100-300 users during the beta. We have now over 4000 Users. I was hoping for a good start but this is crazy. I will find some people helping me doing the support tickets or answering questions. A lot of guys on bitcointalk do this already. THANKS A LOT FOR HELPING US.
I will not always be online this week. But i try my best to answer questions.
Bye for now... I have to go to bed now... have a nice day...