Activity: 45
Merit: 0
June 17, 2017, 04:33:48 PM |
Don't see how you can call it a scam when nobody really 'lost' anything of value. It's a new coin. We get it, you think he's a scammer, you don't need to repost 3 times to get your point across. So leave. Ever think maybe he's *busy*?
June 17, 2017, 05:27:28 PM |
Don't see how you can call it a scam when nobody really 'lost' anything of value. It's a new coin. We get it, you think he's a scammer, you don't need to repost 3 times to get your point across. So leave. Ever think maybe he's *busy*? People lost about 2 days of mining power into this super bonanza and ended up getting nothing at all in return. If the dev has a plan to fix it why does it take 2 weeks to implement? It's a scam because it was based on a failed premise of being #1 market cap based on the price of 45 coins turning into 20 billion without any kind of dilution of the market. It was just a gimmick to try and trick the market cap websites into acting like this coin is some how legit by manipulating a formula that the dev couldn't even understand.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
June 17, 2017, 06:21:44 PM |
While a solution is found, the POS should be working. Well it can not work because there are only two active nodes and the wallets never sync The dev says there are not enough wallets with money. Well he should create 100 accounts of windows or ubuntu and create each one a wallet. Deposit 1 ECA, synchronize, return master nodes and finally put them in POS mode The dev has 1000000019 ECA in his wallet, obtained in block 3 of POW
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
June 17, 2017, 06:30:15 PM |
And if for some reason did not have them, and it was a mistake the 1000000019 ECA, he has also mined 11,521 blocks so he must have more than 1000 ECA
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
June 17, 2017, 06:31:11 PM |
Don't see how you can call it a scam when nobody really 'lost' anything of value. It's a new coin. We get it, you think he's a scammer, you don't need to repost 3 times to get your point across. So leave. Ever think maybe he's *busy*? People lost about 2 days of mining power into this super bonanza and ended up getting nothing at all in return. If the dev has a plan to fix it why does it take 2 weeks to implement? It's It's a scam because it was based on a failed premise of being #1 market cap based on the price of 45 coins turning into 20 billion without any kind of dilution of the market. It was just a gimmick to try and trick the market cap websites into acting like this coin is some how legit by manipulating a formula that the dev couldn't even understand. The market cap thing was not the meta idea of the coin, as I understood. Correct me if I'm wrong. I agree about the mining days, however I don't consider anything a loss yet. If dev will abandon Electra and the chain will be stuck forever with pool disappearing into the void then yes, it was a scam. Now it's just work in progress. Yes it takes a long time, it's not pleasant to see the block 1816 topping the block explorer (days after bonanza). But at the same time dev has nowhere to dump coins, the chain is still and the only scammy thing dev can possibly do is taking coins that are not worth anything much as well as poorly working blockchain, getting backlash from the community. So it's not worth it (in my opinion).

Activity: 103
Merit: 10
June 17, 2017, 09:00:37 PM |
Man you are so salty that you have to create a brand new account and spam this thread??? SURELY, if you know how ANYTHING works, that changing things, coding/programming, etc, TAKES TIME... I mean... I don't know about you, but he isn't someone like Microsoft and Blizzard Entertainment that has 5000+ employees and can fix something in the blink of an eye. Surely, if you go out of your way to link several things, then copy and paste it in a double post, you would know that a 1 man team of a crypto coin would take some time and energy out of his day that he may have a full time job to fix something that went bad. Right now it's still under work, I am sure that you would know that if you were to create a cryptocoin all by yourself, you would rather be focused on getting a problem fixed AND know that it would take a long time to fix if you are by yourself, right?
Sr. Member
Activity: 312
Merit: 250
June 18, 2017, 07:39:27 AM |
As I originally said one page back, this happened because everyone mined directly from the pool to their Novaexchange addresses, not one person stopped to think "Oh hey, maybe I should deposit into my own person address so that when it switches to POS only, there will be something to stake." That is why there is only 2 wallets open, one being the exchange and one being mine, I was apparently the only one who saw this coming and made sure to make deposits into my own person wallet so that there would be something to stake and hopefully move the chain. Everyone only cares about their coins being in the exchange so they can sell them, and that mindset is why there isn't any stakeable coins to move the chain.
Sr. Member
Activity: 312
Merit: 250
June 18, 2017, 08:30:11 AM |
micdvd85 would you mind not speaking for me...
You know nothing about how i mined this coin. How i had mined it for weeks before the superblocks, or how i was mining the superblocks direct to my wallet....
The simple fact is, the dev didnt think this through, probably from lack of experience.... I have left my wallet open many hours, but since it wont sync, not really a lot i can do to help....
I don't know if its a scam coin but its definitely broken and your not helping. Anyway, lets see hope he can fix it, i doubt it makes much difference anymore to be honest....even if he gets it working i think we simply ended up with full wallets that no-one wants to trade....lets wait and see
Obviously you didn't read my post a page ago where I said 3-4 people have mined to their personal wallet... So you would be in that 3-4 people...
June 18, 2017, 07:25:01 PM |
Don't worry guys I am working on it. The fast solution is 99% going to involve a hard fork. I will also be adding new seed nodes while I am at it.
IF the hard fork does not happen, the scenario below will happen:
Right now, there seems to be only about 4-6 people with confirmed ECA in their wallet. By block 11880, about 20-30 people will have confirmed ECA for staking as there were some people mining 150 blocks before the bonanza. I estimate it will take about 16-17 days to reach block 11880 if the 4-6 people stake daily. When the next 20-30 people, assuming they transferred some ECA from the pool to their wallets get confirmed, the next block where many people will be confirmed is 11950. Block 11950 will take 4 days to reach if everyone who became confirmed on block 11880 stake daily. After that confirmed ECA in wallets will be in the 100s and things will move much faster. Everyone remaining can get their ECA within 1-2 days. This scenario is based on many assumptions and I believe a fork would be a much better solution.
Keep in mind that this kind of distribution of coins was never tried before and it was hard to anticipate while originally designing some parameters how many people would be using the coin before the Bonanza and after it.
unfortunetly, i sold my small pre bonanza earnings at Novaexchange as bonanza brings first coins ...
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
June 18, 2017, 07:41:15 PM |
Don't worry guys I am working on it. The fast solution is 99% going to involve a hard fork. I will also be adding new seed nodes while I am at it.
IF the hard fork does not happen, the scenario below will happen:
Right now, there seems to be only about 4-6 people with confirmed ECA in their wallet. By block 11880, about 20-30 people will have confirmed ECA for staking as there were some people mining 150 blocks before the bonanza. I estimate it will take about 16-17 days to reach block 11880 if the 4-6 people stake daily. When the next 20-30 people, assuming they transferred some ECA from the pool to their wallets get confirmed, the next block where many people will be confirmed is 11950. Block 11950 will take 4 days to reach if everyone who became confirmed on block 11880 stake daily. After that confirmed ECA in wallets will be in the 100s and things will move much faster. Everyone remaining can get their ECA within 1-2 days. This scenario is based on many assumptions and I believe a fork would be a much better solution.
Keep in mind that this kind of distribution of coins was never tried before and it was hard to anticipate while originally designing some parameters how many people would be using the coin before the Bonanza and after it.
unfortunetly, i sold my small pre bonanza earnings at Novaexchange as bonanza brings first coins ... I do have a very small amount of coins in wallet, like 0.004 ECA, but I don't think that these coins matter much in terms of pushing the network.

Activity: 103
Merit: 10
June 18, 2017, 07:58:46 PM |
Here is the newest Private Message from Electra01: I'm happy to say the fix is ready but I will spend time testing it before it is released. If tests are successful, the fix can be released ahead of schedule (about Friday or Saturday).
The posts in the thread will only be proven wrong when I deliver.
So let's just sit tight and wait  I have high hopes for this coin and hope that it will grow after all the clunkiness gets solved 
June 18, 2017, 09:24:38 PM |
Don't worry guys I am working on it. The fast solution is 99% going to involve a hard fork. I will also be adding new seed nodes while I am at it.
IF the hard fork does not happen, the scenario below will happen:
Right now, there seems to be only about 4-6 people with confirmed ECA in their wallet. By block 11880, about 20-30 people will have confirmed ECA for staking as there were some people mining 150 blocks before the bonanza. I estimate it will take about 16-17 days to reach block 11880 if the 4-6 people stake daily. When the next 20-30 people, assuming they transferred some ECA from the pool to their wallets get confirmed, the next block where many people will be confirmed is 11950. Block 11950 will take 4 days to reach if everyone who became confirmed on block 11880 stake daily. After that confirmed ECA in wallets will be in the 100s and things will move much faster. Everyone remaining can get their ECA within 1-2 days. This scenario is based on many assumptions and I believe a fork would be a much better solution.
Keep in mind that this kind of distribution of coins was never tried before and it was hard to anticipate while originally designing some parameters how many people would be using the coin before the Bonanza and after it.
unfortunetly, i sold my small pre bonanza earnings at Novaexchange as bonanza brings first coins ... I do have a very small amount of coins in wallet, like 0.004 ECA, but I don't think that these coins matter much in terms of pushing the network. have also a very small amount in wallet ( with two connects ) but staking does not work because blue syncing arrows will not stop. ... every day after 15th June it will be harder for blockchain ...
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
June 18, 2017, 09:43:14 PM |
how the hell some ppl sold ECA yesterday at coinexchange ?
Sr. Member
Activity: 525
Merit: 250
ibuku adalah segalanya(my mother is the best)
June 19, 2017, 12:50:12 AM |
fuck u dev u off block
June 19, 2017, 10:43:04 PM |
Let's just wait and maybe things will get better with time and you guys should diversify ur portfolio of coins to prevent this problems.
June 20, 2017, 02:24:32 AM |
Let's just wait and maybe things will get better with time and you guys should diversify ur portfolio of coins to prevent this problems.
Diversification has nothing to do with this. No one is saying that this cost anyone other than a couple days of mining power. The point is the dev didn't think through how their coin was going to actually have to work before asking people to trust him. Now they are silent on the issue which is never a good sign. If the coins come through great just means that they'll get dumped on the market and the rest will sit around until someone decided to try and use this as an investment vehicle, which I doubt anyone will. Then again maxcoin was listed on Yobit and that is a known scam coin.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
June 20, 2017, 01:54:37 PM |
Let's just wait and maybe things will get better with time and you guys should diversify ur portfolio of coins to prevent this problems.
Diversification has nothing to do with this. No one is saying that this cost anyone other than a couple days of mining power. The point is the dev didn't think through how their coin was going to actually have to work before asking people to trust him. Now they are silent on the issue which is never a good sign. If the coins come through great just means that they'll get dumped on the market and the rest will sit around until someone decided to try and use this as an investment vehicle, which I doubt anyone will. Then again maxcoin was listed on Yobit and that is a known scam coin. Or dev just working on the issue? Iceberg was listed on Bittrex. URO was listed on Bittrex. Lots of shady coins were listed on Bittrex, however that doesn't mean that Bittrex is bad or a place for scamcoins. Or that Electra is one.
Jr. Member
Activity: 31
Merit: 2
June 21, 2017, 01:49:43 PM |
Any news?
June 22, 2017, 11:34:22 PM |
Hi all. Dev PM'ed me a couple hours ago. New info you can read here: i sent PM on email to everyone. Pool is re enabled
Servers been shutted down forever. Working on compensate program. If need a pool public or private PM me.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
June 22, 2017, 11:44:13 PM |
Was about to lose hope for this coin but, good job dev for not abandoning project!
What are the nodes ? still the same ?