Hi. I've watched your videos, it is really a good demo. but that looks like trailar of a movie or something. this video have real people in it.
would be nice if you show your own video creativity stills, some animation, or something like that.
Good luck for your service.
Hi OrangeSeller, yes I filmed all the footage you see in the demo reel video. In fact, everything you see in that video is a product of my creation, from the photography, video & editing to the music and titles.
Here's one I did a couple years back for Liberty.menu:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDZ4S5BtABcI'd post my logo designs here, but unfortunately I'm still a "newbie" member, and I guess I'm unable to embed images until I go up in rank? Am I correct in that assumption? Anyways, I have some of my logos up on my instagram linked in the OP.
I have illustrators and voiceover artists at hand whom I can reach out to at a moment's notice for any work needed done. So, for instance, even if your organization required a character/mascott as your logo, my team and I can crank out a quality product fitting your needs in a timely manner.