I made a post asking for ideas on a p2p network of atm machines. The atm machines don't convert from existing fiat to crypto, but simply tokens just for the purpose of exchanging to and from crypto. This is like your idea, but physical, as opposed to accounting entries (of tokens really). Essentially they're the same thing. Maybe a better word would be notes instead of tokens.
Maybe ripple handles the accounting entry side of note issuing?
Im not a big fan of FRB either. I'm convinced note issuing on crypto reserves is unavoidable though. It solves at least a couple of big problems perfectly which can't be solved in any other way. With that service comes FRB as note issuing is the necessary tool for it.
So therefore, I think a p2p network to issue us our inert, networkless cash whether physically or as accounting entries is very important to implement soon, otherwise note issuing will be co-opted by the existing institution that has done it for centuries. One day they're going to say about crypto: if you can't beat them, join them.
I don't think FRB of crypto reserves will be anything like the total bullshit "monetized government debt" reserves like we got now. Crypto reserves would keep a bank (or p2p network) even more honest than physical gold as long as they want to actually stay in business.
The demand for the crypto reserve specie will constantly be much higher than gold, because it is actually needed anytime you buy something online. Banksters will not be able to multiply the money supply anywhere close what they do on gold reserves.
That being said, it does not prevent them from printing too much money anyway and making us hostage to bail them out by either devaluing our notes or having a bunch of us stuck with unredeemable notes. Therefore i think it is hugely important that some kind of decentralized, free software, p2p network be implemented to issue us our notes or accounting entries, one to one, no money multiplication, no FRB.
Anyway here is the post, thanks for reading: