NEW THREAD Coin [BIP] swap to New BIP2Coin forknote [BIP2]
IF you currently mine [BIP] you need to know: Major bug found some time ago that affects all cryptonote coins currently not utilizing Forknote daemon
DISCLOSURE OF A MAJOR BUG IN CRYPTONOTE BASED CURRENCIESThis bug allows for the creation of an unlimited number of coins in a way that is undetectable to an observer unless they know about the fatal flaw and can search for it. coin Dev's were alerted of this issue 04/17/2017 and given until 05/17/2017 before this information being made publicALL old BIP coin trading is now HALTED with every exchange. You must swap nowExchanges have halted all trading of old
[BIP]. I have tested the bug and verified by creating
19 million
BIC coins on the current chain following the steps in the link above.
[BIP] will soon be worthless. Please follow steps to swap from
[BIP] to forknote
[BIP2] Please carefully read and follow instructions to swap corrupt wallet coins to the
Forknote [BIP2]. DO NOT DELAY or you will be stuck with worthless coins.
Swap process1) Download New Forknote CLI wallet
2) Next create your new BIPcoin address by double clicking simplewallet icon from the wallet you just downloaded and etracted.
3) Type G and press enter to generate new address. The system will prompt you to name your new wallet. Next the system will prompt you to create a new passphrase for you new wallet and press enter.
4) The system will populate your new Forknote BIPcoin wallet address along with a red error, this is okay because the Forknote daemon has not been started. Simply type exit and press enter and the simplewallet will close. There is now a file in your new wallet that you named and it contains your new Forknote BIPcoin address.
5) launch the old BIPcoin wallet and send your coins to the swap address along with a screenshot of your balance and your New Forknote BIPcoin address.
6) Exit from you old BIPcoin wallet and delete the AppData Roaming file for BIPcoin. (if you do not do this step you will get errors)
7) Launch the New Forknoted BIPcoin Daemon by double clicking on the forknoted icon in the BIPcoin wallet and wait for the blockchain to completely sync.
Cool Once blockchain has sync you can now launch simplewallet again by double clicking on the simplewallet icon and using the (o) option to open your wallet that you created in step 3. You swapped coins will be sent here.
send old BIP to bip1VehHy2oY3MC84fscZaWT5VYEhCCetXpYv9NNrpN1DDkoM1Jof4SAGx4fWnbBXwcJrU9rQdtxZ6g
Urg7UAor79iv9PLiWPG (*carefully sometimes when you copy the wallet addres from bitcointalk thread it will input a space in the address and cause an error)
send screenshot of Money sent for old BIP wallet to me in PM along with NEW BIP2 which should start with B and not BIP wallet address
NEW FORKNOTE v2.0.1.1 walletsWin 64 CLI!F2phlZCL!MIluuVBIn4bP3FiGDswwdp7m7XwMTpjavq7R1oURrwM
MasOS 64 CLI!YzQV3BBS!fg8ihnfBuoPTCAR5l7EBx8j0SyGj1OOzXbvCJ88QoBU
GITHUB Build from source create config file name bip2coin.conf and place in config folder
REMINDERS - Start forknote daemon v2.0.1.1 - REMINDERS1) Dble click forknoted icon.
2) Launch simplewallet with dble click simplewallet icon.
3) Solo mining CPU through RPC. Dble click miner icon.
(you must edit miner.bat file with your wallet address and number of CPU core to match your machine)
Method to send payment in simplewallettransfer 0 BJ101010101010101010101010101 25
Effectthis will send 25 BIP2 to wallet BJ101010101010101010101010101
Breakdown of the transaction0 represent mixin count. Changes to 0 (number of transactions yours is indistinguishable from)
BJ101010101010101010101010101 represents destination wallet
25 represents the number of BIP to be send from your wallet
Method to send payment using payment idtransfer 0 BJ101010101010101010101010101 25 -p Ced341010101010
this will send 5 BIP to wallet By101010101010101010101010101 with supplied payment ID, most commonly used to send coins to an exchange wallet.
Transaction responseMoney successfully sent, transaction 987654321
987654321 represents transaction hash
These transactions are sent anonimously to the blockchain shielding both the sending and receiving wallet address using cryptonote ring signature technology. Miners are awarded a fee for successfully added the block to the chain and the transaction is now part of the ledger.
MiningSolo mine now while difficulties are low following steps in "Getting Started Forknote v2.0.1.1 txt file"
Pool ops build pool using source code from github and bikercoin.conf
BIP2 uses CPU efficient ASIC resistant proof of work mining algorithm called CryptoNight to secure blockchain. Users receive block rewards for protecting BIP2 network with their CPU power. There will be 18,446,744 BIP2 mined in the next few years.
BipCoin’s stats:
PoW algorithm: CryptoNight
Money supply: 18,446,744
Block reward: Smoothly varying
Block time: 120 seconds
Adaptive limits
Smooth Emission. Difficulty retargets at every block
**I offered my assistance with XCI change to NEW XCI2 and was asked if I could do the same for BIP2 by their community who does not want their coins to go to waste. I have helped out many other cryptonote coins and am an expert in FORKNOTE technology. Feel free to PM if you need help with your cryptonote coin