What codebase do you use for your project ? Bitcoin ,ETH or something else ?
Litecoin, modified
waiting social bounty campaign
Laiki, reposts and comments in the group on the Fesbook
Be sure to join our remuneration program:
- Each "I like" on the record (text / video): 10 WIN
- Leaving comments (at least 30 characters per comment): 20 WIN
- Repost any kind of record from the page, except for the photo: 30 WIN
You must have at least 100 real Friends
The moderator himself will track the activity and notify the transfer of coins to your email. If you notice that something is missing, please email me at
admin@emaily.ruThe coins themselves will be credited to your web wallet after launching the site for ICO.
P.S. There will be an ISO site, there will be functions of communication with social networks. Coins will be credited to your wallet.