I have sent some money via bitcoin to a friend who is currently staying in China. I used CoinCorner.com to buy my BTC and then sent them to a wallet address supplied by my friend from a local online provider. The first payment was received, no problem. I then sent a second payment two days later to the same wallet address (and confirmed by coincorner.com). But my friend's provider had subsequently allocated him a new receive wallet address leaving him unable to access the money in the original wallet address. My friend emailed the contact at his service provider (Blockchain) and got this response: 'unfortunately we are unable to assist as a third party between buyers and third parties. Please contact the exchange or merchant you were working with in order to resolve the issue'. So armed with only the original receive wallet address how can we go about recovering the second payment? Many thanks
Blockchain.info uses BIP39 to generate addresses within the wallet.
Therefore there is really no way that your friend received their first transaction at the address but didn't receive the second transaction(if the transactions were actually sent to them, of course), unlesshe deleted the address from his wallet which i'm not sure if it's even possible.
Tell him to refresh his wallet, or even export his wallet to another wallet provider.