Oh wow, cannot believe google did not turn that page up for me when i was typing in phrases like "bitcoin privatekey 0" etc..
That seems like an interesting read.
Yeah. This is basically what some altcoins used as a technique to distribute the coins. For example, counterparty comes to mind first. You can read more about this at the bitcoin wiki:
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Proof_of_burnAnyways, did you read up to directory.io because of Vitalik Buterin? He recently posted that on his twitter account for no reason, i guess he wanted to get people panicking about bitcoin. The so called directory isn't a directory at all, the addresses are generated when you actually click each link. There isn't a sextillion addresses and priv keys or w/e on their servers. Don't believe that bullshit. Even if there was, the odds of finding one is astronomical.
I randomly stumbled upon it, i am not aware of any statement/post Vitalik has made
I read the FAQ in directory.io though, and it does explain how it is a "parlor trick", just like the "worlds credit card pin codes leaked!".. That was what led me to directory.io
It really is fascinating.. Also, probably the biggest number I ever saw was the last page-index