I love how you all replied here side stepping ideology.
I harp on it for a reason guys..
You all would not shut up chanting "Free Market" when I got here..
Every time I criticized a pointless shitcoin for profits you all lined up to spout off about the freedom ideology etc.. It was the mantra and official defense of the profiteer.
It's been years since I seen profiteers playing the free market retort..
It's almost like the crowd here now are oblivious to the concept.
And.. Like they think it doesn't matter.
This forum is about puttering around being a greasy sleazy shady little investard spitting on ideology for cash profit ROI'S... REAL MONEY!
You line up to position your verbal diarrhea in any angle that serves your wallet while jiggling your profiteer dick holsters around like fools.
..oblivious to the unbreakable link / context and the looming financial and regulatory consequences.
We are.. Doing this or that... So.... It's all legit then right?
Just because you got away with it does not mean it's still not criminal.
And you all seem to give 0 fucks about the fact you are ruining legit currencies and damaging crypto as a whole and Bitcoin itself.. Which is funny because it is BITCOIN which you all covet and chase.
You all here really do in fact act stupid and post stupid garbage non stop.
It's not just this section either.. Look at the rampant chronic account farming shit posting flooding the off-topic section all year round.
This is nothing but shady profiteers piling in with signs campaigns defending scam coins that just seem to continually push the scammy bar.
Many of you don't even pretend you care about "crypto"
Which is what this topic is about.. Yet you sure lined up to post bullshit defending bad behavior pretty quick didn't you?
..to defend your right to profit REAL MONEY off of pointless scammy garbage.
You keep at it Investards.. It amuses me and that is worth all the money I have.
I should start a contest for who can post the stupidest shitcoin defense retort and award them a Bitcoin prize.. It would be worth the BTC to me simply for entertainment value.
The vast majority of you all here are useless investard clowns