Hello Dev! In the office of the bounty, the facebook counter incorrectly counts the stakes for reposts and like. I made 21 reposts and like in Facebook, I was all given 41 bets
https://prnt.sc/fwwbmv . Count 21x17 = 357 I have 2800 friends 280x0.1 = 28 28x21 = 588 total 357 + 588 = 945 rates. I ask you to count my bets correctly and add another 904 facebook bids 945-41 = 904 bets. Also on the tweeter the counter incorrectly counted the bets. I made 21 retweets and like them on Twitter, I was given only 431 bets
http://prntscr.com/fwwlx4 . Count 21x17 = 357 I have 2780 Followers 278x0.1 = 27.8 21x27.8 = 583.8 total 357 + 583.8 = 940.8 bids 940.8 - 431 = 509.8 bids. I ask you to count my bets correctly and add another 509.8 bets to your Twitter account. Total on facebook I should have 945 bids and on Twitter 940.8 rates on 17.07.17 number. Thank you
At first. It can be that the stakes are not up-to-date, because we are trying to update them every 48h.
Second,sorry, but there seems to be a misunderstanding of our rules. In the
bounty rules is stated that:
*Your are just getting stakes for reposting/retweeting posts with the hashtags #Blocklancer or #BlocklancerNews. This means that you are not getting stakes for every repost/retweet you make.
*The maximum stake for reposting is capped by 100. This means that if you have 2780 follower, you are not getting 2780 x 0.1 stakes, instead you get 100.
*For a single like you get 2 stakes not 17
Kind regards
The Blocklancer Team