Nowdays I've got used to the fact that bitcoin transactions were just hanging in the mempool for quite a long time, but today I just realized that something has happened.
I've started a transaction of 0,05 BTC (not a huge amount) with the possible lowest (and slowest) low-prio fee, and I thought that it will take days to get confirmed (or at least one day). The fee was about 0,0034... BTC (159 sat/byte).
In an hour (or less), it was confirmed, the first 4 confirmation was done in 15 minutes. I was totally surprised. I've checked the mempool later on, it has been settled, it seems. These are the first few weeks since the beginning of May when the mempool isn't full.
I don't know what has happened, but it seems promising. (Or not, if it's in connection with the August 1st deadline, but who knows... I don't, but if anybody knows, please help me to understand what is going on behing the scenes...)
That isn't a very low fee for the transaction you did mate. Moreover it is possible there may be no much congestion when you made the transaction, hence the reason why it was quite fast but all the same 0.0034 isn't a small transaction fees.
Its isnt really a small fee and i would still consider it as an expensive then you can really expect the confirmation would be more fast compared into lowered ones plus the network isnt congested and theres no spam attack on the network which means miners can easily solve blocks. You cant really compared the situation on having a congestion into none. The hype is over and we are going back to normal but still fees is quiet high still but much better than to its all time high.