IDEX has 0 Sell or Buy orders for EMT. So the only supporting exchange so far is etherdelta. It is sad that easymine got hyped that much during the twitter/facebook campaigns and is still loosing that much value due to lack of exchanges.
due to lack of exchanges?

lol. maybe the smart money is just looking at this project wondering if it was a scam to begin with?

has ANYTHING been done but them having an ICO? they promised a beta to hype fools, then nothing.
is there even a github with any code for there plans?, or ANYTHING but the usual "we have whitepaper, give us money hype" ?
didnt think so
so no doubt the price is dropping, its looking more like a sham day by day....
10 people on the team, theres nothing here but money collecting, and excuses for no actual work done.
same old, same old