Hey Moosty boi, we need some more info than what you already provided which is nothing so far in order to buy your moosy useless coins in bulk
I'm just kidding stop kissing your wife or girlfriend while shouting YAY IT WORKED BABE IT REALLY WORKED, this idea of yours has no credibility, you can't put something on a decentralized blockchain and expect the world to respect the rights and accept it, you can't reserve any copy rights outside of crypto sphere, no one will give a damn about whatever is on some blockchain which is just a data base no matter how safe and secure it is and how tamper proof it is. run some where else for earning your living expenses.
Thank you for noticing our project and the relevant feedback. We argue that your arguments can be used for almost every other blockchain project regarding ownership rights or other assets.
Due to the disruptive nature and immaturity of the area the whole blockchain space is currently (almost) unregulated and not yet credible regarding national laws. But the amount of projects and the amount of investments into exactly those asset classes do point into the direction that your argument will not hold in the long run.
And since at this moment you have a fair point we need to do our best to change this.
Then we question ourselves why you would need to waste your time with this argument on a blockchain forum.
Additional thing to think about:
One could phrase that an open source registration of ownership would not be possible in the long run (fair point). But we will try.