Based on the graphs on the OP, that means that as we move higher on the blocks, the block rewards increase? Can you explain that dev? Thanks
That's not correct!
First chart shows the % of coins mined. For example it shows you that in 600 days of mining, the circulating supply should be at 20% of total coins.
Also the block reward, in the second chart will decrease too time by time, chart is too little to show it, but that's roughtly how block reward will decrease:
Day 0 --> 0.00954
Day 100 --> 0.00922
Day 200 --> 0.00891
Day 300 --> 0.00861
Day 400 --> 0.00832
..and so on.
One thing I forget to told you guys is that everytime the block reward will go near the minimum tx fee, a softfork will kick in lowering the fee by 0.1.
This means:
Day 100 ---> 0.00954 block reward + 0.001 tx fee
Day X --> 0.00100 block reward + 0.0001 tx fee
But that's not time to think about this problem now, the block reward should go below the tx fee in around 11 years