Does anyone have a fix for wallet not syncing.
The solution is simple:
The config file is empty, they have no node to connect.
it give two ways to fix it , the second way have small problems.
You find all "aktiv" Node in the last 24h on this Site:
click on add nodes!
1. Way (best way in my opinion)
on the internet site "explorer(dot)plexhive(dot)com/network" on add nodes ,
the bottom window where the addresses end with "onetry" is interesting!
Copy the first address (click on the small button in front of the address)
Now open the console in PlexHive (go to Help/Debug Window/Console in PlexHive) and paste the address into the field below. Press enter.
Now you will see how it pings the address and adds it.
Some are offline, many going, it is best to add them all one by one (54 at moment).
They save now one by one the online node and delate the offline node.
this need not so long time, in + - 5min your are done with it.
After this everything will synchronize automatically.
2. Way
on the internet site "explorer(dot)plexhive(dot)com/network" on add nodes ,
the top window where the addresses look "" is interesting!
Copy the first address (click on the small button in front of the address)
Now open the config file "PlexHive.conf" (you will find it where you installed PlexHive).
Open it with the Text editor.
This file is empty , thats is the problem!
now paste the adresse in the first line and push enter for the second line
Copy the second Adress from the site and past it in the second line.
and so on and so on...all 54 at moment.
After this save and close this file.
When you now start PlexHive new come the first Error.
One of this Adress are offline, you see this Adress in the Error Window.
Open the config file and delate this line with this adress.
This make you so many with PlexHive start without Error , then have you all offline node deleted and
everything will synchronize automatically.
But later can one of this Node go offline and you have the same Error.
You see this have small problems and make more work.
In the first way make PlexHive all automatically and take only the online node without error on start.
Your choice.
I hope this Help
Sry for my bad eng