February 04, 2014, 05:54:14 PM |
For my mind the important thing to think about is how to implant protection against asics into the coin. As it is a "commodity" active it must be protected. It is interesting for me is it possible to technically update BTG with N-factor or similar feature? I think it is quite possible as long as there are still plenty of time before scrypt asics will appear on the market. But it is a keypoint to BTG. Everything other is ok (dev is working hard for the eternity of time in crypto terms with the Gems) or very easy, like renovating the website and so on. Before doing some complicated things and I'm sure the dev can do it is strictly necessary protect the coin from asics - it is not of that type))))
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
February 04, 2014, 07:48:00 PM |
BitGems are Now available to exchange for Gold, Platinum, Palladium, and Silver @ MintageMasterMind.com
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 04, 2014, 09:56:07 PM |
For my mind the important thing to think about is how to implant protection against asics into the coin. As it is a "commodity" active it must be protected. It is interesting for me is it possible to technically update BTG with N-factor or similar feature? I think it is quite possible as long as there are still plenty of time before scrypt asics will appear on the market. But it is a keypoint to BTG. Everything other is ok (dev is working hard for the eternity of time in crypto terms with the Gems) or very easy, like renovating the website and so on. Before doing some complicated things and I'm sure the dev can do it is strictly necessary protect the coin from asics - it is not of that type))))
you bring up some interesting ideas, and i totally agree, need to think of the future Evan if the technology is not there for asics to mine them, i'm sure it's not far away, if not just around the corner BitGems are Now available to exchange for Gold, Platinum, Palladium, and Silver @ MintageMasterMind.com
great news, thank you !!!
February 04, 2014, 10:08:22 PM |
For my mind the important thing to think about is how to implant protection against asics into the coin. As it is a "commodity" active it must be protected. It is interesting for me is it possible to technically update BTG with N-factor or similar feature? I think it is quite possible as long as there are still plenty of time before scrypt asics will appear on the market. But it is a keypoint to BTG. Everything other is ok (dev is working hard for the eternity of time in crypto terms with the Gems) or very easy, like renovating the website and so on. Before doing some complicated things and I'm sure the dev can do it is strictly necessary protect the coin from asics - it is not of that type))))
you bring up some interesting ideas, and i totally agree, need to think of the future Evan if the technology is not there for asics to mine them, i'm sure it's not far away, if not just around the corner BitGems are Now available to exchange for Gold, Platinum, Palladium, and Silver @ MintageMasterMind.com
great news, thank you !!! Yes i would also like to see asic resistance implemented. I mean look at vertcoin! Bitgems could go the same way.
Darkcoin, the only fungible crypto currency.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 04, 2014, 10:54:52 PM |
i know i almost put a few btc into vert just a few days ago, but can't think about this stuff too much, cause i have missed out on a few big rises, not this one but, in it for the long run.
mineral (OP)
February 05, 2014, 03:37:13 AM |
For my mind the important thing to think about is how to implant protection against asics into the coin. As it is a "commodity" active it must be protected. It is interesting for me is it possible to technically update BTG with N-factor or similar feature? I think it is quite possible as long as there are still plenty of time before scrypt asics will appear on the market. But it is a keypoint to BTG. Everything other is ok (dev is working hard for the eternity of time in crypto terms with the Gems) or very easy, like renovating the website and so on. Before doing some complicated things and I'm sure the dev can do it is strictly necessary protect the coin from asics - it is not of that type))))
you bring up some interesting ideas, and i totally agree, need to think of the future Evan if the technology is not there for asics to mine them, i'm sure it's not far away, if not just around the corner BitGems are Now available to exchange for Gold, Platinum, Palladium, and Silver @ MintageMasterMind.com
great news, thank you !!! Yes i would also like to see asic resistance implemented. I mean look at vertcoin! Bitgems could go the same way. Definitely Vertcoin is an interesting proposal, but any PoW algorithm implemented by software can be implemented by hardware. Only would be to include the number of scrypt N-rounds according to hardcoded timestamps (not even clock function would be necessary) in the ASIC circuit. It should not be very complex once scrypt ASIC was done. I do not want to diminish the merit of the excellent vertcoin start with this, it is just a simple informed opinion. However, it could be implemented in Bitgem, not too difficult. About bitgem, I suppose there is a logical correction in prices, on the basis that the purchase price for a portion of Bitgem holders was around 0.001, and 0.04 purchasers wanted to consolidate gains in 0006-0007. No reason to worry, that is the normal behavior in the markets. BTW, Bitgem sending is still in progress.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 05, 2014, 03:47:28 AM |
i can tell u know what your doing mineral that's why i bought after reading threw this thread and seeing how dedicated you are, im sure which ever way you decide to take this will be good, keep up the great work 
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1124
Invest in your knowledge
February 05, 2014, 03:49:33 AM |
these could so easily go too 1k each with the right marketing strategy, any plans for this people? i can see mineral is working hard so is there anything we can do?
A lot of marketing potential here. This coin has the most potential out of any alt-coin released so far. Think Doge, but glitter, glammer and high-class. A redesigned wallet to specifically highlight BITGEMS features, that would increase the market cap by at least 300-4000%
mineral (OP)
February 05, 2014, 03:55:41 AM |
these could so easily go too 1k each with the right marketing strategy, any plans for this people? i can see mineral is working hard so is there anything we can do?
A lot of marketing potential here. This coin has the most potential out of any alt-coin released so far. Think Doge, but glitter, glammer and high-class. A redesigned wallet to specifically highlight BITGEMS features, that would increase the market cap by at least 300-4000% Obviously Bitgem price is at least 1000% underrated. At least it sould be 0.05, having into account that starting price was 0.5 BTC
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 05, 2014, 03:59:35 AM |
it's the dark horse fellas, when it pops off ,people won't know what happened!
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 05, 2014, 04:23:23 AM |
i still think BTG can be worth $1000 in a small period of time, especially with the uncertainty of fiat currency, there are cryptocurrency's and there are cryptocommodity's and this is a cryptocommodity, there are too many cryptocurrency's only a few will survive, but cryptocommoditys are rare, there is only a few bitgem, cryptogenic bullion, diamond, bitbars etc and which one has the most likelness of growth BTG market cap 87k and sitting on $3.50 it is just waiting to blow, and it has only been on coinmarketcap.com not long, it is all happening
February 05, 2014, 04:28:43 AM Last edit: February 05, 2014, 04:40:14 AM by Raist |
Definitely Vertcoin is an interesting proposal, but any PoW algorithm implemented by software can be implemented by hardware. Only would be to include the number of scrypt N-rounds according to hardcoded timestamps (not even clock function would be necessary) in the ASIC circuit. It should not be very complex once scrypt ASIC was done. I do not want to diminish the merit of the excellent vertcoin start with this, it is just a simple informed opinion. However, it could be implemented in Bitgem, not too difficult. About bitgem, I suppose there is a logical correction in prices, on the basis that the purchase price for a portion of Bitgem holders was around 0.001, and 0.04 purchasers wanted to consolidate gains in 0006-0007. No reason to worry, that is the normal behavior in the markets. BTW, Bitgem sending is still in progress. [/quote] Can you please tell a little bit more about this ASIC protection stuff. I mean for non-technical guys  . Also I think that implementation of n-factor will be suitable on this stage and nearly sure, that community will find enough BTG for bounty to the author. For my mind it is not the question of some "iron1000%defence" but staying on the top of the wave of crypto's technical modernization. Finally about the price. The crypto market is as you definitely know is pure speculative. Right now it is over-heated. But the main purpose is following - people are trying to make money on pumps and dumps and they need nearly all their assets to be free. It is a nightmare for commods like BTG or CGB but it is as it is. Even theoretically it cannot be solved with regulaton, only in case of 100% premined coins (it is one of the reasons why they are working right now). The next move in general is obvious - miners cannot forever sell to themselves new coins quickly running into the time when Scrypt-crypto will be a swearword. So keep up the good job dev, there will be a huge amount of possibilities in future. And please remember that two different psychology types involved in any crypto pretending to be a "storage device" (speculates and hoarder-hamsters) will make your gems to be volatile for months until (if) they will be gathered in hands of the settled owners. As a prove you can see that all (sic! all) high value coins of today are either super-concentrated (BTC, LTC, Quark) or distributed like Ripple or NXT. Today people absolutely do not understand that success of the asset they hold here depends on their selves. But public was a moron in season and out of season P.S. Dadon hope you are not looking for a pump here to sell your BTG, ah  . You must understand one simple thing, 3 "cryptocommoditys" as you call them on todays market is far too much. You are talking about fiat, but you have forgotten, that fiat itself is a negative, inflationary credit and cryptos are deflationary mostly. Yes, that was a ingenious idea to make a crypto backed with gold - but you know what happened to the author of this idea  . It is like obligations in real world, last line, there must be a big developed world in front. And we have only doge in front.  If you want me to explain it literally it will be something like "the overall crypto market development and sustainability together with the lack of the range of technologies applied-)))". And all are trembling like in a fever.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 05, 2014, 10:20:05 AM |
good points there mate  and no not looking for a pump, just trying to make people think, cryptocurrency's are a dime a dozen, cryptocommoditys are not, i only go for the store of wealth coins because that's what i want to do, there are plenty of coins for trading, i'm looking for obviously profit, but long time secure storage of my hard earned money is number 1 
February 05, 2014, 02:33:31 PM |
good points there mate  and no not looking for a pump, just trying to make people think, cryptocurrency's are a dime a dozen, cryptocommoditys are not, i only go for the store of wealth coins because that's what i want to do, there are plenty of coins for trading, i'm looking for obviously profit, but long time secure storage of my hard earned money is number 1  So what if someone makes money. We have the foresight to see the potential in something and thus being rewarded for your insight is just. I'm in BTG for the new wallet update that's coming. This is the most important thing ( innovation ) BTW i now own 1.5% of BTG, keep buying those dips.
Darkcoin, the only fungible crypto currency.
February 05, 2014, 02:49:12 PM |
What would it take to get Bitgem working on coinwarz? I will run a bounty if it needs a coder to work on it. Just let me know mineral.
Darkcoin, the only fungible crypto currency.
February 05, 2014, 04:36:50 PM |
BTW i now own 1.5% of BTG, keep buying those dips.
I've missed the train to buy a lot. How can we make a REALLY good panic? Need a price of 10 to 40 satoshi. May be an announcement that mineral is ... do not have such imagination. Who must he be to provoke panic sell to 40 satoshi?
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 05, 2014, 07:55:53 PM |
good points there mate  and no not looking for a pump, just trying to make people think, cryptocurrency's are a dime a dozen, cryptocommoditys are not, i only go for the store of wealth coins because that's what i want to do, there are plenty of coins for trading, i'm looking for obviously profit, but long time secure storage of my hard earned money is number 1  So what if someone makes money. We have the foresight to see the potential in something and thus being rewarded for your insight is just. I'm in BTG for the new wallet update that's coming. This is the most important thing ( innovation ) BTW i now own 1.5% of BTG, keep buying those dips. i have about 900 myself, need more btc to buy more but
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 06, 2014, 12:28:03 AM |
February 06, 2014, 01:39:02 AM |
Hows the wallet coming along mineral? I will send you some ruby when its finished to try it out :p
Darkcoin, the only fungible crypto currency.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1002
Pecvniate obedivnt omnia.
February 06, 2014, 02:04:38 AM |
i have been emailing a lot of sites today requesting they add BTG to there sites as a payment option, this is the list i have been using https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=273148.0, i have had a few stores that have accepted, if it is added to coinpayments.com this would needed to be done by mineral, here is the link https://www.coinpayments.net/coinreq once that is done, we will have a few stores accepting BTG if the rest of the community would like to join me going down this list in the first link of this post, we will be able too be added to a lot more store a lot quicker, and would be much appreciated, i did around 50 sites in less then an hour, on a lot of sites there is a contact us link and this is the easiest to use, i wrote a basic message and just copy and pasted to save time, just a suggestion if you would like to help