Loan amount : 1
- Repayment amount : 1.1
- Length: 120 Days
- Collateral or reason : Trying to gain credibility and learn about how bitcoin loans work, use for small photography business equipment. My collateral is 400,000 XVG/Verge and 1300 XEM, this account, and I also have a Genesis mining account with 36 Th/s of lifetime hashrate. I don't know how any of this works so how I would let you hold on to this account or the genesis mining account is up in the air to me. I currently get paid out around .007/daily
- BTC Address: 1HThScr58iWeojtSxy459PkxpbHADhY1u4
Here is my photography website
www.mitchfrinkphotography.comI can take this on as well.
400,000 XVG equates to around 0.38 BTC right now, and 1300XEM is around 0.11 BTC. That is only half the collateral so i do have to get the genesis mining account. I have used Genesis mining before and bought a small contract, not sure how they work now but before they were paying directly to my address, so you'd have to change the payout address to mine. I'll have to be able to hold the actual genesis mining account, as well as the email attached so i know you can't reset the password. This can be through an escrow of course.
The payouts generated by Genesis can either go straight towards loan repayment, or i'll hold it for you.
If you are able to lower the loan request down to 0.7 then i can do 0.8 repayment, if you want to stick with 1 btc then i'll have to go with 1.2 BTC repayment after 120 days.
Let me know, thanks. I'm always available on a daily basis on bitcointalk.