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Author Topic: bitcoin is unstoppable  (Read 6252 times)
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April 07, 2018, 04:24:17 PM

We need to realize that Bitcoin has a massive support of the community. I don't think that Bitcoin can be stoppable because it is programmed to follow its chart. Nobody can stop Bitcoin.
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April 07, 2018, 04:25:25 PM

even when attacked from the inside by block-stream/core it just forks and offers two chains. at least one will continue delivering p2p electronic money to the people with low fees.  maybe both?  we'll see. Smiley
Bitcoin is not unstoppable, but bitcoin is hard to stop. Because we all do not know when bitcoin can survive. With the great support of bitcoin usage and need in the world, bitcoins will be stronger and stronger to survive and will be harder to stop. Vice versa, if bitcoin support in this world decreases the bitcoin will be easier to stop.

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April 07, 2018, 07:32:05 PM

No body can stop bitcoin and it an not stoppable by any one bitcoin is the digital currency which have strong future and the people who are using bitcoin and other coin they are strongly believe that bitcoin will change the lives by giving them the bright future and it is best way to become the good investors of this currency.
The government intervention in the market can pose a huge threat to the value of Bitcoin. Appreciation and depreciation are very usual on the charts for the last decade. But if you look at the market demand for the coins, the mathematical model of the theory of demand depicts that the prices will rise. The expected prices are high in the end of this year and you are right in saying that it can not be stopped.
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April 07, 2018, 07:51:04 PM

even when attacked from the inside by blockstream/core it just forks and offers two chains. at least one will continue delivering p2p electronic money to the people with low fees.  maybe both?  we'll see. Smiley

it's true mate.bitcoin is profitable, it's easy and fastly. so bitcoin is unstopable.
For sure bitcoin is the source of income and bitcoin is the way of spending for better life like for us, in my life bitcoin really means a lot of and things to me, I can live better life with bitcoin and I can get better things I need for my daily life, today I am earning and I am saving a lot of money as bitcoin, bitcoin is day by day getting famous people are using bitcoin for different purpose as some use to trade with bitcoin some use to invest but bitcoin is attached to a lot of people for sure.
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April 07, 2018, 08:12:06 PM

No body can stop bitcoin and it an not stoppable by any one bitcoin is the digital currency which have strong future and the people who are using bitcoin and other coin they are strongly believe that bitcoin will change the lives by giving them the bright future and it is best way to become the good investors of this currency.
The government intervention in the market can pose a huge threat to the value of Bitcoin. Appreciation and depreciation are very usual on the charts for the last decade. But if you look at the market demand for the coins, the mathematical model of the theory of demand depicts that the prices will rise. The expected prices are high in the end of this year and you are right in saying that it can not be stopped.

You will find just as many mathematical models saying that BTC will crash to $0 within the next month, doesn't mean it is true. The price volatility of bitcoin doesn't follow any predictable trend, so I don't think we can accurately say when we will see a resolution to this dip.

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April 08, 2018, 01:48:11 PM

We already know that btcs are a revolutionary discovery and so make the most of it
Rizky Aditya
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April 09, 2018, 08:00:06 AM

This was an old thread... Bitcoin's fees are low again, albeit there is less transaction volume. The block sizes are getting smaller currently and 1 sat/b transactions almost always go through on the next block for me. Bitcoin will never be able to scale to millions of transactions per day, but it can on the lightning network. Just takes time for the technology to be developed and mature more.

yes, and this is why bitcoin still develop more and more and I am sure that the technology will grow too. we can see that this will succeed in the future and more people will know and will use bitcoin and bitcoin cannot stop. and yes, the transaction fees are reduced because I see on bittrex is reduces their fee for bitcoin transaction. but I don't know with the other wallet and I hope that the other wallet will adjust their fee too.
Bitcoin is also the future of money. Since the beginning, any people have tried to kill it and there were tough times too but we all have seen how not only bitcoin just defeated all the challenges but made such a progress that astonished everyone around the world. Bitcoin has given new meaning to many words like unstoppable, strength, potential survivor and prosperous.
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April 09, 2018, 08:16:03 AM

Yes bitcoin remain unstoppable irrespective of many circumstances concerning banning by some country. Bitcoin has come come to stay and many unemployed youth and others would get something to do if they really accept it. Many have benefited from it and more would be financially successful if they join the team of bitcoiner.

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April 09, 2018, 08:22:26 AM

even when attacked from the inside by blockstream/core it just forks and offers two chains. at least one will continue delivering p2p electronic money to the people with low fees.  maybe both?  we'll see. Smiley

Bitcoin is/will be unstoppable indeed, why because it has made its name and mark as a king of crypto currency which is made as a model to all crypto. and it is just the start of digital era now so it is expected that bitcoin as leading crypto will soar and unstoppable.
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April 09, 2018, 08:22:58 AM

In this world members who join cryptocurrency are numerous. It would be very difficult if there are parties who try to stop bitcoin. The life or death of bitcoin is all in the hands of bitcoin users. If bitcoin users can retain bitcoin, by getting as many people as willing to join bitcoin then bitcoin will continue to survive. Vice versa, if the time passing bitcoin users decreased, then bitcoin will stop and die.
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April 09, 2018, 08:23:27 AM

Would like to see it get to 50k this year.
Pamela Jobelle
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April 09, 2018, 08:25:38 AM

 I don't know if there ware any successful hardworks in it's development to fix a bug or something.
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April 09, 2018, 08:27:13 AM

Bitcoin is unstopable, I agree, but only till we are willing to pay for it, buy it and invest, if people will loose interest in bitcoin it will became a freaky strange cryptothing.
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April 09, 2018, 08:27:22 AM

Bitcoin is a great king of Crypto, it can go down by adverse effects from the passage, and the nations forbid it. But all things cannot stop it from going up when everything becomes a Bitcoin past will continue to go up as before.
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April 09, 2018, 08:38:12 AM

Bitcoin never stop, I think it.
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April 09, 2018, 03:34:40 PM

even when attacked from the inside by blockstream/core it just forks and offers two chains. at least one will continue delivering p2p electronic money to the people with low fees.  maybe both?  we'll see. Smiley

Probably. But god, you're right. Bitcoins so far are pretty unstopable and clearly, bitcoins today are on a slump. Eventually, I think bitcoins will probably make a huge comeback. Can't say when exactly, but I have a gut feeling that one day, bitcoins will be huge again.

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April 10, 2018, 08:47:33 AM

When I first listened to the battle in 2014, I knew it was good in itself. Already then you could pay in WallmartCo truth can be used for bad deeds also but so it is in life. A knife can be used in the kitchen, but it can also be used for crimes. The same is true of bitcoin. I am puzzled by the fact that this technology is really so groundbreaking and nothing is going to replace it anyway in the near future. There are great trends but slowly I have the impression that it's a blowing of such a balloon. Ok blockchain is good only the question whether actually all these projects based on blocking will accept
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April 11, 2018, 07:34:01 PM

It is true. There a lot of investors coming into bitcoin everyday and people are learning much about it and how it works. Bitcoin will keep growing despites the dips and crashes.

I strongly believe that nobody and nothing can stop Bitcoin. Naturally, it can exist only when the Internet is present, thus the connection limitation can only stop BTC.
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April 11, 2018, 08:12:40 PM

Bitcoin was disruptive to the age-old traditional payment system -  fiat. It will always face resistance from within and outside but it will always scale through because it is the base crypto for others. The persistent fight from institutions is just to save the face of fiat, and unfortunately for them, technology has come with its disruption and revolution. With time, Bitcoin may become the gold for other cryptocurrencies.
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April 12, 2018, 03:07:03 AM

This was an old thread... Bitcoin's fees are low again, albeit there is less transaction volume. The block sizes are getting smaller currently and 1 sat/b transactions almost always go through on the next block for me. Bitcoin will never be able to scale to millions of transactions per day, but it can on the lightning network. Just takes time for the technology to be developed and mature more.

yes, and this is why bitcoin still develop more and more and I am sure that the technology will grow too. we can see that this will succeed in the future and more people will know and will use bitcoin and bitcoin cannot stop. and yes, the transaction fees are reduced because I see on bittrex is reduces their fee for bitcoin transaction. but I don't know with the other wallet and I hope that the other wallet will adjust their fee too.
Bitcoin is also the future of money. Since the beginning, any people have tried to kill it and there were tough times too but we all have seen how not only bitcoin just defeated all the challenges but made such a progress that astonished everyone around the world. Bitcoin has given new meaning to many words like unstoppable, strength, potential survivor and prosperous.
There is no doubt that bitcoin is unstoppable. Bitcoin still keeps developing and the demand for using bitcoin is becoming more and more popular. As we know that although bitcoin is the oldest coin but it never gets older. Even its value and reputation is much more higher and never stops. The development of bitcoin users take strong influence to all most parts of the world. Indeed, it is certainly useful to help most of us have the chance for getting money. In anyway, bitcoin is definitely unstoppable.

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