The date of the BANER’s PRE-ICO start is 6 September, 2017. So, we invite you to participate in our bounty campaign and help our project to create a huge and strong community. We want to encourage as many people to participate in our bounty campaign as possible. Total bounty pool is 2% of max 3,000,000 BNR tokens or 60,000 BNR tokens. Token price - $10. Rewards will be paid out after every ICO’s stage. Join our campaign if you believe in our success!
Token distribution:
Participants of the bounty campaign will receive their stakes every week throughout both the preparatory (4 weeks before the Pre-ICO’s start) and the ICO periods. Shares will be counted and rewards will be paid out after every ICO’s stage.
Shares will be calculated as follow:(Total amount of tokens dedicated to certain campaign / Total amount of shares) * participant’s share
Example:(60 000 / 1 000) * 10 = 600BNR
To participate in our bounty campaign you are obliged to join BANER’s Slack and Telegram Channels.
BANER Slack invite link: English Telegram link: will get a link to your language group after your joining the English group.
Slack and Telegram are the most convenient ways communication with hundreds of bounty campaign participants. For details discussion just log in BANER Slack and send a message in #bounty channel. It is impossible to answer on all questions using BitcoinTalk threads and PMs. Slack and Telegram are much better suited for this purpose.

Terms and Conditions:1. We are looking for active Bitcointalk users.
2. Users with negative trust are not allowed.
3. Posts in Alternative Cryptocurrencies section are required.
4. Spam is strictly prohibited. Spamming users will be disqualified immediately and for ever. Moderators will be notified about such user and users will be blocked for any other bounty campaign.
5. Multiple accounts are not allowed.
6. You can’t use the avatar of other project.
7. You are not allowed to change the signature in the middle of the bounty campaign.
8. To be eligible for reward you must publish at least 10 high quality and constructive posts every week preferably in Alternative cryptocurrency topics
9. Owners and Managers have the right to change the rules, or apply more and do any other reasonable changes in this bounty (Including payment structure and amount)
Rewards:1. Member: 1 Stake per week
2. Full Member: 1,5 Stakes per week
3. Sr. Member: 1,75 Stakes per week
4. Hero Member: 2 Stakes per week
5. Legendary: 2,5 Stakes per week
Avatar:,5 stake per week for avatar
Please place this persona text to your account: 🌟 BANER ICO: 06/09/17 🌟
You can add a personal text in your profile:
Profile => Modify Profile => Forum Profile Information
Instructions:• Add a BB-code that is consistent with your rank to Signature field in your profile.
• Fill this form:
Members: Raw preview: [center][u] [url=]B A N E R[/url] - ICO: [url=]September 6th until September 30th[/url] [/u]
[[url=]Whitepaper[/url]] [[url=]Business Model[/url]] [[url=]Token whitepaper[/url]] [[url=]Feasibility study[/url]]
[url=]BitcoinTalk[/url] | [url=]Website[/url] | [url=]Slack[/url] | [url=]Twitter[/url] | [url=]Facebook[/url] | [url=]Telegram[/url] | [url=]Medium[/url] | [url=]Reddit[/url] | [url=]GitBooks[/url][/center]
Full Members:
Raw preview:
[center][b][font=Arial Narrow][u] [url=]B A N E R[/url] - ICO: [url=]September 6th until September 30th[/url] [/u]
[[url=][color=#ff33ff]Whitepaper[/color][/url]] [[url=][color=#3399ff]Business Model[/color][/url]] [[url=]Token whitepaper[/url]] [[url=]Feasibility study[/url]]
[url=]BitcoinTalk[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Website[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Slack[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Twitter[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Facebook[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Telegram[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Medium[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Reddit[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]GitBooks[/url][/font]
Senior Members:
Raw preview:
[center][b][font=Arial Narrow][u] [url=]B A N E R[/url] - ICO: [url=]September 6th until September 30th[/url] [/u]
[[url=][color=#ff33ff]Whitepaper[/color][/url]] [[url=][color=#3399ff]Business Model[/color][/url]] [[url=]Token whitepaper[/url]] [[url=]Feasibility study[/url]]
[url=]BitcoinTalk[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Website[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Slack[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Twitter[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Facebook[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Telegram[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Medium[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Reddit[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]GitBooks[/url][/font]
Hero Members & Legendary Members:
Raw preview:
[center][b][font=Arial Narrow][u] [url=]B A N E R[/url] - ICO: [url=]September 6th until September 30th[/url] [/u]
[[url=][color=#ff33ff]Whitepaper[/color][/url]] [[url=][color=#3399ff]Business Model[/color][/url]] [[url=]Token whitepaper[/url]] [[url=]Feasibility study[/url]]
[url=]BitcoinTalk[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Website[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Slack[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Twitter[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Facebook[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Telegram[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Medium[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]Reddit[/url] [color=#ff3333]|[/color] [url=]GitBooks[/url][/font]
Don't forget to add links of your previous translation experience! We will contact you via PM if it is quite good enough.
To participate fill this form: and Conditions:- Google translate and other online translators are not allowed. If any participant of this campaign will be caught using it he will be disqualified.
- There can be reserved only one translation per one participant.
- Owners and Managers have the right to change the rules, or apply more and do any other reasonable changes in this bounty (Including payment structure and amount)
Reward:- BANER ICO ANN+BOUNTY threads translation and publication: 30 stakes
- Moderation: 0.5 stakes per your post (only OP)
- The Whitepaper translation into your language: 50 stakes
- The Feasibility study translation into your language: 10 stakes
The threads translation includes moderation of these translated threads.The distribution of the reward will be held accordingly to earned stakes.
Reserved translations:Arabian -
khufukingChinese - fanten
German -
Indonesian -
kaneki007Russian - Sergei.Gerasimenko
English - Sergei.Gerasimenko
Turkish -
Polat90Philippine -
KolderVietnamese -
Cryptovn83Hindi - erikalui
How to join to the Twitter campaign:1. Follow the official BANER Twitter account.
EN: RU: Join Slack BANER: Fill the form: and Conditions:• Multiple accounts are not allowed.
• BitcoinTalk profiles with negative trust are not allowed.
• Your Twitter account must have at least
• Your Twitter account must be
at least 3 months old.• Your BitcoinTalk account's rank must be Jr. Member or above.
• Your Twitter account audit must be more than 85%.
• You must retweet all tweets from BANER official Twitter account and like them every week.
• Retweets of more than 7 days old tweets will no be counted.
Every week checkpoint is Sunday 23:59 UTC.• Owners and Managers have the right to change the rules, or apply more and do any other reasonable changes in this bounty (Including payment structure and amount)
Rewards:200 – 1000: 1 Stake / week
1001 – 2000: 2 Stakes / week
2001 – 5000: 4 Stakes / week
5001 – 15000: 7 Stakes / week
15001 and more: 10 Stakes / week
The distribution of the reward will be held accordingly to earned stakes.
Spreadsheet (to be updated):
Blog and media publications campaing is for athors of posts, reviews and press-releases about BANER project. Everyone can participate in. Just create a text about BANER project with more than 600 characters and public it on your website. The reward will depend of the quality of your text.
Terms and Conditions:• All texts must be publiced online and be freely avaliable.
• Your text must be genuine.
• The websites without auditory or new websites will not be counted, same as new YouTube channels with less, than 200 followers.
• The website's age must be more than 2 months, the website must have
at least 1,000 active unique users per month .
• Your text must be longer than 600 characters.
• Your video must be at least 1:00 Minute Long. Shorter than that will not be accepted.
• Your publication must include at least 2 links to our website, at least 2 links to BANER ICO ANN thread on BitcoinTalk forum, to BANER's social networks and other articles about our project.
• In the description of Video, you have to write 70+ words unique article about BANER project / ICO
• Learn our Whitepaper and Business model, because our project is quite difficult technically.
• Owners and Managers have the right to change the rules, or apply more and do any other reasonable changes in this bounty (Including payment structure and amount)
Some Ideas for Publications:• Tell about BANER project.
• Why it is so awesome?
• Tell about advantages for our platform users.
• Tell about advantages for advertisers.
• Tell about advantages of unique algorithm of targeted advertisement.
• Tell about advantages for users who want to sell their products without large investments in advertising.
• Tell about advantages of the waiver of aggressive marketing.
• Tell about advantages over competitors? Why our platform is better?
• Tell why our approach for the sale of goods and services and our project policy can leave beyond competition all monopolists in the sphere of providing services.
• Tell why we provide free functionality for advertisement of products and services.
• Tell how we are going to increase the capitalization of the project without aggressive marketing.
• Tell about advantages of the decentralization of our project.
• Tell about advantages of the "Remote Deal" service.
• Tell why our cryptocurrency is liquid and what are it's advantages.
• Tell what is the recipe of the project's capitalization success.
• Tell that our project is for people all around the world.
• Tell when will the BANER ICO start and why should one join.
Every good text about our project will be rewarded. Just try to make sure that your text is technically competent and has no typos or errors.
Participation form: of eligible participants: quality - 10 stakes
Good quality - 5 stakes
Normal quality - 2 stakes
Note:Low quality publications will not be rewarded.
The decision on the quality of publication will be made by BANER team.
The decision shall be final and non-negotiable.
The distribution of the reward will be held accordingly to earned stakes.
How to join:1. Follow the official BANER Facebook account:
Russian: English: Join BANER's Slack group: Fill the form: and Conditions:• Multiple accounts are not allowed.
• BitcoinTalk profiles with negative trust are not allowed.
• Your Facebook account must have at least
200 friends.
• Your Facebook account must be
at least 3 months old.• Your BitcoinTalk account's rank must be Jr. Member or above.
• The rate of your Facebook account's real friends must be more than 85%.
• You must repost all posts from BANER official Facebook page and like them each week.
• Reposts of more than 7 days old post will no be counted.
Every week checkpoint is Sunday 23:59 UTC.• Owners and Managers have the right to change the rules, or apply more and do any other reasonable changes in this bounty (Including payment structure and amount)
Rewards:200 – 1000: 1 Stake / week
1001 – 2000: 2 Stakes / week
2001 – 5000: 4 Stakes / week
5001 – 15000: 7 Stakes / week
15001 and more: 10 Stakes / week
The distribution of the reward will be held accordingly to earned stakes.
Spreadsheet (to be updated):
Stay tuned, we will come back with new ads