sexService Chats, Communities and Free tokensAs we specified in the
Whitepaper, chats and communities are very important features of
SSIO application.
sexService secure Chats will be live soon
Good news is our blockchain devs have successfully realized the Chats feature in the testnet already. Messages are encrypted using Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman X25519 algorithm client-side, then pass to the nodes where they are forged and stored in the blockchain. As SSIO block time is 10 seconds, it is enough time for recipient to see the message. Message comes to client app encrypted also, which guarantees secured communications.
Communities is a separate SSIO wallet, which has administrator and members (like in Telegram). More info on communities to be revealed soon.
So in the nearest future you’ll get Chats in the SSIO mainnet and application soon. Chats will be available in both Wallet (can be hidden in Settings) and Dating app, and Profiles and Communities in Dating app only due to privacy things.
Free SSIO tokens
You already know that any action in the blockchain costs tokens, very small amount, but it costs. All this payments target to protect the system from mass attacks and support dPoS delegates.
So chats, communities, and profile updates cost some small amount of SSIO tokens:
- 0.005 SSIO for message
- 0.01 SSIO for profile update
- 10 SSIO for creation of a community
For the limited time project will compensate such expenses to make the platform easy to adopt and free. So can get your free SSIO tokens now. After Chats, Profiles and Communities will be available for public use, you will be able to test these features for free.
To cut off the speculations, there are terms to get free SSIO tokens. They are listed on the Get sexService token page.
Get free SSIO tokens now: