Does anybody here has the whitepaper of this ICO?
I still have my CAG tokens and I want to check if they have done everything they promised
I was in the team between 2019 and 2022.
Change achieved a lot of its promises but couldn't be a bank like stated in the ICO. It became a successful crypto broker platform, and later, they have added stocks, precious metals, CFDs and some others. I see it as a very succesful Robinhood clone for Europe. In that sense, they are doing great, I wish the best for the team.
On the other hand, about CAG, they couldn't keep their promises due to legal reasons.
(It was like we want to be anarchists but our mothers did not let us to be.
) They needed to make a token swap, created a new token named CNG, which is not open to the blockchain. CNG was equity or equity-like structure for Change. Recently, they also killed CNG and give actual shares for CNG users on Funderbeam platform.
So, if you are still holding CAG, it is worthless right now. Until very last moment, even after token swap, even after Funderbeam shares available, CAG was marketted as "we will use it as a utility token" (it can be seen here:, but they killed the token in last quarter review video, new CEO Marek said "there is no plan with CAG": 24:04
Just know that, while I was in the team, I did everything to push any development related to CAG. Every time they ask to team "what should we build next", I always kept replying "something related with CAG, we have a promise to complete".
Don't get me wrong, I really trust them. It is what it is. Legally or financially or maybe business-wise, it wasn't possible to make CAG to the moon.
I keep my CAGs as memory of good old days.
Hey mate, thanks for taking the time to respond here.
they couldn't keep their promises due to legal reasons
I disagree with this.
I know you can encounter legal obstacles, but the way I see it, people who invested hundreds or thousands of dollars in CAG are founders, and they deserve to be treated like that.
Basically the company founded millions of dollars from people who trusted, and then they found an obstacle and decide "we cannot keep our promises so that is it", sounds like it was a good opportunity to not invest the money in favor of the founders.
What happened with those millions of dollars? Who is getting benefit from it?
If you cannot deliver what you've promised, then the right thing to do is find out another way to include the founders in your plans and retribute. Clearly is more convenient to just forget about it and cut founders off the benefits as there is no legal obligation to it.
I was too young by then, now I have learn that a binding document HAS to be on the table before making an investment, otherwise scamming people is way too easy.
What happened to me is that when the swap to CNG token started, the website was not working right and I was not able to do the swap (because it demanded to demonstrate european residency), and I remember it was frustrating because the longer you took to make the swap, the less CNG you were going to receive.
I emailed to support and the only answer I got was "try reinstalling the app"
Then just forgot about it because I realized that the project was not going anywhere anyways.