So... I've got a bunch of intense and not much I can use them for. What's the plan with the blockchain backed VPN? Are we going to spend coins for VPN functions?
mined quite alot of this coins, I just noticed a lot of missed items in the roadmap.
Devs can you update this? If some target dates are pushed back it would be nice if you could specify the adjusted ETA.
Hey folks, sorry for the missed September dev items: slack tipbot and paper wallet - will get that done in the next week. I planned on implementing the paper wallet yesterday but ended up triaging the wallet to address locked/pending transactions. It was an all-day endeavor unfortunately. Two users are testing a new update at this time. I'll post here when the 1.2.2 update is ready for the general public. In the meantime, if you're sending coins out, use 0 or few mixins to reduce issues with confirmation, or just send smaller amounts of coins in multiple txns (e.g. 1000-2000 or less).
Otherwise, we are only short on the exchange item of the roadmap - that's still pending as we are at the mercy of exchanges. As many others have mentioned here, the exchanges are quite busy with new coins lately, and because we are still relatively new, we are just not high up on their priority list. I will tell you that we are in direct contact with two different exchanges - just waiting for the development team(s) to finish their part so we can actually be traded on the exchanges. One exchange has told us they are "very close, soon"; another has simply told us 14 business days from when we submitted and is offering no updates. Now you know everything we know.
OK i dont know what is going on, but the 10k coins returned and on the transactions is says that the order is canceled, but I dont get it
i try to send coins but it locks the coins that i want to Send candyiman, I'm not entirely certain of what the issue was as I would need to see your wallet for more details, but in the future try sending with fewer mixins to reduce transaction size.
Join the slack, there is constant chatter about development, updates, mining and the future
right now the focus is making the working product
Yeah dev told me he's less active on the forum but super active on the Slack.
I do need to be more active here on BCT, I apologize. I'll make a point to visit BCT more frequently.
Not only a Cryptopia lists CryptoNight coins. What about HitBtc, Poloniex, Bittrex, Bter ?
Too early talk about HitBtc, Bittrex. Or too expensive..
May be. But what about Poloniex or Bter ?
Other way, devs can make a little ICO to sell some Intense Coins and get some BTC for listing on Cryptopia or Bittrex.
Exactly, it's expensive. Quite expensive, most of those charging 5+ BTC. The Intense team is working to use our own resources for an initial listing on a smaller exchange. We can shoot for larger exchanges after we establish some market value and liquidity.
Bter, Btcalpha, and any other chinese exchange are highly questionable ventures at this point in time due to government regulation threatening to close or further restrict exchanges. Poloniex has a very poor history in terms of customer support and we don't want to have unhappy users and traders due to exchange problems.
Dev, rebooted the computer, the address of the wallet was changed and in the account 0 !! WHU
CharM1nG, I'm really sorry but we updated the links in the main post weeks ago with the newer wallet version and stated in posts that update was mandatory. On some foreign-language systems the original 1.0 wallet, shown in your screenshot, has a nasty habit of corrupting wallet files under unknown circumstances. My advice is to immediately switch to the 1.2.1 (or 1.2.2 if you're on Windows) wallet from
our Github releases page and attempt to manually import your old wallet file from %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\intensecoin. In the 1.0 version of the software, the wallet file name is intensecoinwallet.wallet by default. In the new version, it is intensecoin.wallet by default.