Sir my old ETH wallet: 0x80BAEEECF8faC23cbdDC115Bb8e849798d18d523 was hacked!
Please change to a new ETH wallet: 0xb1aF3d542A32B28543c8F271326AD9B9a1c427dC
thank you Sir
Please resubmit your form, and pm MrGreen in the Slack.
Joined Media campaign sir and good luck dev.
Great to have you!
Joined twitter & facebook bounty campaign
Glad to have you!
EVERYONE, if you are submitting for bounty, you MUST join our Slack, FB group, and Twitter page! Please fill all forms when submitting your information!
When doing articles/media/blogs etc, things that may not be done when submitting, please post link here in the thread when you get done with it so we may update the spreadsheet!!! We want everyone to get credit where due!