It means to be able to use google: cypherpunk is any activist advocating widespread use of strong cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies as a route to social and political change.
Reminds me Genesis Block hidden msg...
My motivation on this topic was a commentary I saw ....
Matthew Green @matthew_d_green Apr 7
Why are the Bitcoin people so mean to each other.
Regards our community ...
I think he have a point because he was talking about personal attacks ...
I would like to mention Cryptographic Engineering Book ...
Cryptography is an extremely varied field. At a cryptography research
conference, you can encounter a wide range of topics, including computer
security, higher algebra, economics, quantum physics, civil and criminal law,
statistics, chip designs, extreme software optimization, politics, user interface
design, and everyting in between...
...In this field, we make a very strict distinction between attacking somebody's
work and attacking somebody personally. Any work is fair game. If somebody
proposes something, it is an automatic invitation to attack it. If you break one
of our systems, we will applaud the attack and tell everybody about it.2 We
constantly look for weaknesses in any system because that is the only way to
learn how to make more secure systems. This is one thing you will have to learn:
an attack on your work is not an attack on you. Also, when you attack a system,
always be sure to criticize the system, not the designers. Personal attacks in
cryptography will get you the same negative response as anywhere else.