The app is fully updated and reupdated to include Cash payout and more functionality.
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Quick Take documentation
Quick Take on the BalloonaFide app:
Just Register and Hop in. The app will notify/remind you whenever an issue arises.For the first login of any day, you have the chance of jogging up to 10 min to get JPoint rewards.
Even without wallet addresses, you have a score and you rank is constantly updated and everyone is in the {28 day Jog&Refer contest}. Top3 on the 28th of a month will be rewarded. If you are late for the month, you can still be on the top by referring new users; you get 2X of score by referring 4 users, e.g..
Referral: It gives you a chance to get more JPoints from Jogging, to stay in the Top10 of Jog&Ref and to enter the CoinoSaga contest. You can post your CoinoSaga by having a “club” and lots of referral by you, and if you are the first 3 of the month, you will be rewarded a very large amount of JPoints. You can host a fundraising in the same way even just for yourself. Rules apply.
Join early and keep your account active are the only things you need to do to get a large amount of JPoints. Only accounts of older than 21 days are eligible for an Airdrop of 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 50k (peak) JPoints, and so on when the total of vested accounts reaches 128, 256, 512 , 1000, 2000, 4000, and so on.) Join late, you will miss the big peak. 10k JPoints take around 30 days of regular jogging.
Wallet addresses are needed to play Joincoin_Lotto and automatically get a free ticket to play every Coino_Raffle; and make JPoint Redemption, despite the fact that conversion of wins from Lotto or Raffle to JPoints are available and Redemption cashout in Paypal is available.
How to get wallet addresses: You can use your own or generate ones in the [Wallet Address Update] drawer by using the Wallet Address Generator.