I am a developer from Hungary. I've created a website for advertising cryptocurrencies, and my dream is to make this site popular thereby making cryptocurrencies more popular. The main concept is that people can donate a small amount of BTC to display a crypto logo on the site. The donations add up, so every time somebody donates, the chosen logo grows. Hovering on the logos gives useful info about the coin (price, market cap etc.). From the donations, I'd advertise the site in as many places as possible (google, facebook ads, etc.). I am also holding various cryptos, and I really want to make them generally known by more and more people. The site is under development, but the main features are working. Professional designing is in progress.
I don't want to beg for money, if you feel that you are an enthusiast, (or have an own ICO) and have a few spare sats, every donation is appreciated.