Character doesn't equate IQ... i can tell you that an AI is intelligent. I can tell you that an human is a criminal (breach of consent, enslaving free will, misinforming lying to skew consent).
I can tell you that anyone opposed to the us constitution and bill of rights is a domestic or foreign ennemy!
However statistically you are right about the white genocide!
Ultimaetly it's just that the western establishement doesn't have the wisdom, virtue and ethic necessary to pursue the civilisation they attempt to take over, they fail to realize in their arrogances what made them the first world.
If to night this kind of unbearable raw of events happened on a chinese woman in Shanghai... but no!
Have you ever heard of pakistanis and co raping thousand of chineses underage girls in a small city?
We are speaking of crimes so attrocious that certain civilisation know how to well the ravages that such act of war against civilians population are. Act of war. As such ccp and People Liberation Army(ies) of China enter into action by the state/city police who knows that full backing of the entire chinese state apparatus is with them...
Naturally like all mothers, chineses ones are since always doing their best, but understand dear foreigners, the one child policy up the game. And here we speak eternal china. your civilisation harboring threaths?
Simply said: china will be isolated from the crunbling of the ruins of your civilisation taking everything that permit those threaths to arise to be pulverized.
Legal immigration of low iq population will in the longrun be a huge disadvantage for the host nation especially if they have a low birth rate (like every industry nation has).
It is called population replacement. Look at the feminist dominated countries such as Sweden and Norway. The indigenous population is getting exterminated as a result of low birth rates and murders. And at the same time, the low IQ immigrants from nations such as Afghanistan, Somalia and Pakistan are replacing the native people.
People who have more reflections but less reflexes, physically lose the ability to survive. IQ<Libido
Said the cavemen!
The most important is love, the rest will be ashed away...
And if all they have will be ashed away what do they have?
What's their meaning? Practice targets? Proof that something are too corrupts at the core to be kept for eternity? Or like an old windows bluescreen that only a firm reset (execution) can solve?
Anyway we all know that we are slowly but suerly approachong a point of no return in the west... the plagues must die! And yes we really can...
You really believed that american soldiers and patriots would tolerate that long that heresy going on for so long? Maybe because i prefer preemptive before it even happened... is it really important of it's reality or just before it realize itself?
It's always possible to catch an apple that you let fall from your hand before it reaches the ground...
Call it the diamond night and it can be over before sun rise...
And i think it's because how violent the military industrial and intelligence complex is that this threath as been allowed to mushroom to almost get the presidency...
Now the clinton gangs are like a camel herds in the middle pf the desert with 100's of ac135 circulating around...
I don't forget, they wanted tp forced vaccinated us? Make plants of the creation of god illegal? Rape and enslave the daughters of god....
China, the us army is the least of their problems...
There is really no reason to keep them alive... data extractions and to fertilization! The best of use lf their life long co2 consumptions...
A country that the soldiers who died recently to defend doesn't deserve to be humilated by the clintons and their worldwide associates.
It's a question of dignity.