Dev, why you guys always try to hide your huge premine
Lets do the other math:
You have already more than 27M LSC while anybody else has noting. That is almost the coins that could be mined within a year.
While people will try to mine this coin and waste power and efforts on it you will silently stake your 27M and double them after a year.
So, by then you will have 2/3 of the total circulating amount, which in reality is NOT 2% but 66%.
And, if at all, this coin survive a year in the second one you will be again the one with the heaviest stake and doubling again your coins leading again to 66% ownership.....
Usually, that has been never a successful story and we all know how it ends!
If you want to have a good community that moves your project ahead you have to reduce your coins significantly and give a chance to other people to be part of it.
Good Luck!
Ok. Nice math, but has no sense.
1. Pool is open, and everybody can mine. 1st block was mined in July, now is October. It's not a year. So...
2. Look on the block explorer: Our wallet PoS is offline. Not stacking, to not use advance from premine. I don't know, how did you calculate 66% from 2% but it's really weird math
3. We are not making one more ICO and so on, all of this what we are doing is covered by team. 2% premine is for help to cover part of costs (eg androind wallet which we will present soon). 0,78% was mined just before official launcing during the test, and all of this information are showed from the beginning. So you pull out false ideas from the imaginared theories. That's why we opened this thread - you can ASK before you begin "to do a math". Don't waste your time
4. We are also involved on fairs, events etc. where we are using coins to promotion etc. we are carrying to create network of users, to show people who we are and what we are doing, not stacking PoS wallet.
5. For the end - That what we are focusing is creatng of coin value not thru the price on the market, but thru TO BE USEFUL. This is the point. Even the best coin ever, without this are useless. LifeStyle Club is an idea, project with plan for the next years. If you are interested just for speculation, don't waste your time (again).
6. For now is going well. Thanks to that, at we are showing us outside, not only on internet, we have very positive feedback and appear more and more possibilities of cooperation.
I hope now situation are more clear for you. If you have any question, just ask