Blogs — 20% — 4 000 000 SINE— 1 article, at least 1000 characters
— 500 subscribers minimum
— English only
— The content must be unique and easy to understand
— Link to must be included
— Low quality articles will be excluded from the campaign
— Fill out the form:
Bitcointalk — 25% — 5 000 000 SINESignature campaign — to be announced.
In case actual amounts of bounty program participants is less than stated minimum thresholds only 1/3 of token amount will be distributed. You will receive your tokens in January 2018, after the conclusion of Sine ICO. Manager and the owners will have the rights to change any rules, or make any changes if necessary (including payment structure and amount). Spreadsheets are not open to the public because of fraud attempts.
Why did you set minimum follower to 500 at the Blog campaign? You exclude a lot of people with that, although I understand that you want to spread it to a broader mass. Very sad, I really wanted to write something but I "only" have 450 Follower at the moment on Steemit (
And when starts the signature campaign? Can't find anything about that or did I missed it somewhere?