4 x GIGABYTE GV-R585OC-1GD Radeon HD 5850MSI Motherboard 890FXA-GD70 AMD 890FX Chipset
AMD Sempron 145 Sargas 2.8GHz
G.Skill - Memory - 2 GB : 2 x 1 GB DDR3 - 1066 MHz - CL7 - 1.5v
Kingston SSDNow V Series 30 GB SATA 2.5-Inch Solid State Drive
Antec Mid-Tower Gaming Case Nine Hundred Two V3
Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold1200 Watts Modular Power Supply
7 x 3 Speed 120mm Case Fan
1 x 3 Speed 240mm Case Fan
1x Null VGA Adapter
Computer will be 6 weeks old by the end of this auction. It was a fun project, though it will be nice to have a peaceful nights sleep without the noise of this beast running in the background. Currently with the AirCon on the cards temps are around 80c to 85c. The GFX cards have had the max mhz limiter increased in the BIOS and are running stable at 925mhz with Ram at 500mhz and std factory voltage. The maximum mh/s I'm getting from these cards is about 375mh/z per card - 1500mhz total for all 4. The whole thing is plug in and go... just put your details in the GPU miner.
Ebay auction here...