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Author Topic: Investing all my savings!  (Read 14385 times)
Jorgis94 (OP)
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October 24, 2017, 07:24:41 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

I am investing the money at the next dip.
Please post your opinion guys.

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

Sorry for my bad english, but I am better reading it than writing it.. :p
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October 24, 2017, 07:43:24 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

I am investing the money at the next dip.
Please post your opinion guys.

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

Sorry for my bad english, but I am better reading it than writing it.. :p

i think investing all saving in trading is not good idea. because in trading has up and downs so you have to take step very carefully. all the money investing in bit coin is not good. you have to invest few amount of money in trading it is good idea. but total money investing is not good. for that reason i would like to explain you you have to few amount of money only in trading.
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October 24, 2017, 07:47:18 AM

The ratio how you've split the funds among cryptocurrencies is good. Still I wouldn't invest all my saving in anything not just in cryptocurrencies. No matter how the situation is looking good and attractive and the price is high this can change and will change at some point so it's too risky to spend all your saving. Reconsider your decision one more time and maybe consult somebody that is maybe more experienced with cryptocurrency investing.

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October 24, 2017, 07:53:01 AM

Are you sure about this? 5-10 years is long you should have atleast you should have plans on when to cash out, always remember that cryptocurrency's price is very volatile and anytime it can change, what are your plans on the next 5-10 years? This is risky, you might lost all your investments if you didn't become an active watcher on prices of there coins.
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October 24, 2017, 07:56:24 AM

The truth is no one can make that decision for you. It is a decision that can pay you big time in the 5-10 years you are holding it, or also give you a huge heartbreak. After all, if you had invested such amount in the past 7 years, I am pretty sure you know what you are going to be worth now. As optimistic as we all are, cryptocurrency is here to stay, but trust me mate, no one knows the future.

My point is, it is a very huge risk to take, but like they always say, the more huge the risk, the more the gain. I would not advise you going all in with your savings though, cause, in every investment, you should always have a plan for something going wrong, but if you feel it is a risk you are willing to take no matter what happens in the cryptocurrency world in the next 5-10 years, then I can't stop you.

Your percentage distribution is OK, since you are holding for a long term, but I do not see any reason why you should be waiting for dips since you are holding for long. No one knows the future, but it might be good, if you buy some now, keep some cash and if the dip occurs, buy more and if it does not, then still buy. Lastly, your English isn't that bad, I have seen worst.
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October 24, 2017, 08:16:14 AM

For me, investing all your savings to 3 cryptocurrencies you have mentioned is not really good idea. Why? because you cannot say what will happen the following days or months if the prices will either go up or down. It is very risky and the rates are flactuating. Also, what if something emergency that might happen in few days or months with your own personal life. Be proactive about uncertainties.
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October 24, 2017, 08:35:04 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

I am investing the money at the next dip.
Please post your opinion guys.

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

Sorry for my bad english, but I am better reading it than writing it.. :p
It is almost good to invest your savings by splitting into three different currencies but i think you presently have better option to take upto 50% profit in a single trade than to split.
The bitcoin gold fork is imminent about to happen and everyone is going to benifit from it.
If you can hold all your savings in bitcoin awhile, i hope after two days there would be appear a magic.
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October 24, 2017, 08:51:47 AM

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

first of all don't go all in. and even if you want to go all in, don't do it all in cryptocurrencies. try to diversify into other things. for example gold or stocks or anything that you find good as an investment, it may depend on the country you live in.

and since you want to hold these cryptos long term then I suggest only considering bitcoin for that matter, the other altcoins are not very good and both of these you mentioned are already in a big bubble (eth more than ltc).

although if you want my suggestion, I prefer investing in bitcoin only for long term and then picking up trading altcoins as mostly a short term investment, to buy in the dips and sell when they rise to earn even more bitcoin.

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October 24, 2017, 08:55:43 AM

NEVER go all in ever in something, whatever that is. Use maximum 30%-40% of your savings. It is the first rule of economics. Your idea of investing in cryptos is correct and many encourage it but put only a certain amount in it. Diversity in your portfolio is absolutely necessary!

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October 24, 2017, 08:58:49 AM

For me, investing all your savings to 3 cryptocurrencies you have mentioned is not really good idea. Why? because you cannot say what will happen the following days or months if the prices will either go up or down. It is very risky and the rates are flactuating. Also, what if something emergency that might happen in few days or months with your own personal life. Be proactive about uncertainties.
A downtrend with these coins is really less btc you can see it has only been increasing since starting of this year , it rises by 1000's and falls with a couple hundred. I would agree with you on one part though investing all savings is really risky you can still have unexpected events in real life even if you are making profit from btc it takes minimum 2 business days to get your cash in hand.
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October 24, 2017, 08:59:01 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

I am investing the money at the next dip.
Please post your opinion guys.

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

Sorry for my bad english, but I am better reading it than writing it.. :p

Investing all your money has a big risk to your financial status so i dont recommend it all. Anyway its a good idea that you want to invest in the top 3 crypto currency but why dont you invest in bitcoin only instead before the fork so that when the fork is done you will have the same amount of bitcoin gold also. Lets convert your money 12500$ = 2.2 BTC and you will also get same in bitcoin gold.

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October 24, 2017, 09:14:56 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

I am investing the money at the next dip.
Please post your opinion guys.

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

Sorry for my bad english, but I am better reading it than writing it.. :p

Investing in cryptocurrency is good however why dont you consider diversifying your investment, what if it didnt turn out the way you expected it then nothing will left for you.

Dont invest all your savings, we know that investing in cryptocurrencies might be profitable but still there is no assurance about that and its not wise to put all your money.
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October 24, 2017, 09:26:38 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

I am investing the money at the next dip.
Please post your opinion guys.

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

Sorry for my bad english, but I am better reading it than writing it.. :p
I think you have a nice entry for ETH and LTC, at least. If you really can go without your savings for that period of time, then i find it hard to believe you wont make a profit on your investments. It's just a matter of watching the markets, in case an ATH is broken and you can net a nice % gain.

Best of luck getting into BTC on a dip, i hope you find a nice window of opportunity before we go 10k+! haha Smiley

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October 24, 2017, 09:33:34 AM

Better not to put all your money into those pot because you can lose that if the prices crashed down.
Anyway this is a good idea, invest in crypto your savings than in bank, but we do not know tge fluctuation of valuw it may be low or high in no time.
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Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk

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October 24, 2017, 09:34:35 AM

I have some magic beans if you want to buy.

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October 24, 2017, 09:38:58 AM

Don't invest all your savings in cryptocurrencies only, it is not a good idea. Allocate some percentage to coins. Try other investing options like stocks, mutual funds, real estate, bank deposits.

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October 24, 2017, 09:45:04 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

I am investing the money at the next dip.
Please post your opinion guys.

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

Sorry for my bad english, but I am better reading it than writing it.. :p

Investing in cryptocurrency is good however why dont you consider diversifying your investment, what if it didnt turn out the way you expected it then nothing will left for you.

Dont invest all your savings, we know that investing in cryptocurrencies might be profitable but still there is no assurance about that and its not wise to put all your money.
I suggest also to not invest all your savings in crytocurrencies because of its unstable state of exchange currency. Maybe you can be lucky that you have earned that huge but that luck wasn't that consistent that on the next time you could get the same thing. Although investing in cryptocurrencies is profitable, but you would've thought what will gonna happen next.
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October 24, 2017, 09:47:40 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

The 3 options that you have chosen are great, but I would suggest a little different splitting. 45% BTC, 35% ETH, 20% LTC. ETH is getting a lot of attention so its better to invest a little more in it. But I would like to advice you not to invest all your life savings, just don't do that, keep some in bank you never know when you might need them.  
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October 24, 2017, 09:55:19 AM

Hello guys! I am planning on investing all my savings (12500$) in cryptocurrency, so I would really like to hear your opinion. My current plan is to split it in to 3 :
-50% bitcoin.
-25% ethereum.
-25% litecoin.

I am investing the money at the next dip.
Please post your opinion guys.

Edit: I should mention that this is for a longtherm hold, about 5-10 years

Sorry for my bad english, but I am better reading it than writing it.. :p

It is too risky man, how about you go in @ fifty percent? Even that would be too high for me, as I am very risk adverse. It may just turn out to be a bubble after all  Grin, making all the nay sayers and fudsters right. It is not my money, but I'd advice a softly softly approach.
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October 24, 2017, 09:55:26 AM

For me, investing all your savings to 3 cryptocurrencies you have mentioned is not really good idea. Why? because you cannot say what will happen the following days or months if the prices will either go up or down. It is very risky and the rates are flactuating. Also, what if something emergency that might happen in few days or months with your own personal life. Be proactive about uncertainties.
Yes it was a not good idea, why you should place all your savings in cryptocurrency while investing in only one kind of crypto is already better. Its really or very risky to put all your savings in crypto because of its fluctuating state of exchange currency. You could not tell that your return of investment will be enough to what you've been invested. If I were you, I would think many times if my decision would be good or profitable soon.
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