I felt that the
Securing Your Wallet article on the Bitcoin Wiki was too hard to digest for a non-technical user so I created this simple, brief list of dos and don't as a starting point:
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_Security_Dos_and_Don%27ts_%28Windows%29Any modifications or improvements are appreciated.
Bear in mind that this is not meant to be a comprehensive guide on how to create a 100% secure wallet. I'm just trying to address the most obvious security mistakes made by beginners.
I wrote the Windows section on securing your wallet, and my only complaint about your article is the title -- it isn't so much security dos and don'ts *for Windows* as for users of any operating system and platform. For example, I'd point to this URL for my Macintosh-using husband if/when he starts using Bitcoin too. Ditto people using an iOS or Android tablet.
Since you wrote this, I'll propose the fix here instead of just doing it -- I propose removing "Windows" from the title and encouraging any new Bitcoin users to read this, especially those who are not highly savvy about computer security. What does everyone think?