Hi Sylon! I want to leave this signature and leave this company. I wrote more than 20 posts for this week 17-23.03. If this is possible I would like to close these posts this week. I'm waiting for an answer.Spreadsheets number #208
Dear sylon, I want to remove my signature, please confirm.
I am glad to have joined your project, hopefully this project successful.
thank you
Hello. I cant find myself in spreadsheet. Can you help me?
You have to be more precise. What campaign are you talking about ?
Sorry. I talking about twitter campaign. My twitter username @Ozimandia
Always read campaigns rules before applying...
"We won't accept participants that use Newbie, Jr. Member or Member bitcointalk accounts to list their twitter account. We will also remove you if your account is not active." from Twitter campaign rules.
Hi, i am just informing that i would like to leave this campaign now, hopefully i can still keep the stakes i did earlier on this campaign.
Hi Sylon
I have a question. If we going to sum all stakes in Signature Campaign, then result going to be 1.19 millions. It is a lot of money and I would like to know are we going to be paid all sum or it gonna be less? By now I am not sure about Hard Cap for LiveTree ADEPT. Would like to hear any comment from you.
You are going to be paid the amount of money you're supposed to receive, in SED tokens.